Transformable Shinkansen Robot Shinkalion
Episode 53v2
"QUIZ!! Black Shinkalion and a Penguin"
The Ultra Evolution Institute’s oversight board is concerned about the Black Shinkalion not being under the control of Omiya Branch. Commander-in-Chief Subaru Azuma sets out for Omiya to discuss the matter with Commander Izumi. But this grim-faced commander is far more than he appears to be on the surface…
Hayato’s costume when he’s delivering his first quiz question is a direct reference to Mino Monta, the Japanese host of Quiz $ Millionaire – Japan’s Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. His smirk, stone face, and silent pauses have been known to drive contestants to tears. He also has the habit of feigning excitement before telling the contestants they are wrong.
The penguin in Azuma’s office comes directly from Suica’s corporation logo. Suica is an integrated chip card maker that replaces the need to pay cash for train tickets – and what the SHINCA cards are making reference to.
This is a V2 because I left some old stuff in one of the lines Azusa said while doing edits. A minor fix but a fix nonetheless.
Comments - 4
Fun fact @Weeaboo-Shogun: This is the first time in history of any anime that Suica has been featured. Full story here, if you’re interested:
Nice work, also are there plans for the BD versions, since the first batch containing episodes 1-16 should be out at Japan by now?
Many thanks for continuing with this series.
@J_LEE_C: thanks for the link!
The end of the episode was rather disappointing, I felt - I was looking forward to the reunion moment, and then… srsly, he ran away? (maybe there simply wasn’t enough time in the episode and this outcome could be narrated more quickly.)
Please continue Shinkalion torrent !!