AT-X HD seemed to have better colors and didn't have the Aimusu watermark in the corner but the quality seemed a bit worse. I'd probably switch to that if I could successfully IVTC it but I tried a bunch of things to no avail. Hit me up at KoolKidsK#8146 on Discord or if you're experienced with TV caps and I'll give you the cap if you wanna teach me. New school encoders basically never had to deal with TV caps so when we do, we're often lost.
Recruiting competent translators to save more anime. Contact KoolKidsK on IRC or KoolKidsK#8146 on discord if interested.
EDIT: With ohys uploading AT-X, I have decided to drop encoding this series to focus on other things. AT-X is only a day later than TV Tokyo so it's not too bad, I guess.
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