Well, let’s dive into the world of monster girls and how they spend their days. We’ll see stories about love, friendship, nazis, folklore, racism… wait… something’s wrong here…
Yup, this how has a bad case of mood whiplash. One moment we’re learning about a far away reptilian race and the next we’re rediscovering Auschwitz. And no, I’m not kidding. Seriously, who puts the nazi episode right in the middle?
Still, it’s a fun experiment with some interesting ideas. It will tickle your monster girl fetish at least. The Chiis are adorable. Enjoy.
Comments - 15
Yayy… thanks!
thanks a lot
Is this dual audio? I can’t find any good DUAL AUDIO BDRips excpet for ONE which is over 50GB. Shouldn’t be more than about HALF that for dual audio.
DmonHiro (uploader)
This is not dual audio. In general dual-audio releases are labeled as such. When nothing is mentioned about the audio it’s safe to assume that it’s Japanese only.
Good work!
And people said anime was safe from jews.
As long as we get more Horse-chan i will be happy. thank you for sharing this.
:( You broke your “because no one else will do it” theme.
Still Breathing Fansubs is actively releasing this… though progress is slow since I’m a scrub at typesetting and Ep10 has tons of moving type. orz
DmonHiro (uploader)
I broke no rule. Nobody is releasing/released a 720p version.
Also, it’s not really a rule. More like a preference. For example, there is a Fate Apocrypha 720p BD release out but I think it looks like shit so I made my own and will be uploading it.
I said “theme” since that’s what you’ve been focusing on lately it seems, and you ruined my surprise of a planned 720p batch at the end. :P
… assuming I get to the end before everyone forgets about this show. >_>
What’s your opinion on LowPowerRaws btw? Looks good on my aging plasma, but always been a bit worried their stuff looks like shit elsewhere. ^^;;
DmonHiro (uploader)
Sadly, the name “LowPowerRaws” is accurate in my opinion. Does not look goo to me, looks bitsrtarved.
Dam I was too lazy to timed the sub and waited for someone to do it for almost two years D:
Thank you!
@DmonHiro: Hmm… That applies to both their 720/1080 releases? Who would you recommend as a go-to group for raws in that case?
DmonHiro (uploader)
Their 1080p are OK, I guess. I don’t really know. I encode from BDMV.