Do you like food? Do you like orgasms? Then hop on back into the kitchen of food-gasms. Yes, Soma is back and he’s going to make food so good you will jump out of your clothes. If they don’t explode first. Not much to say. Same as before. Food and fanservice. What more do you want?
Comments - 11
I sure do. Thanks much!
“What more do you want?” Um, subs that have been translation-checked and typeset (FFF’s instead of CR’s)? Maybe a DIY project for the future…
DmonHiro (uploader)
Fair enough. Maybe you can ask them to do it.
lol… Thanks DmonHiro
“What more do you want?"
Um, REGULAR sized subtitles pls, I’d like to look at the actual anime too, tnx, also knonw as: if you are uploading for the community, keep in mind that most of the community is not near sighted like you seem to be.
inb4 do it yourself: if we wanted to do anything ourselves, we wouldn’t be here downloading releases.
don’t you happen maybe to have some retimed .ass files with untouched font size ?
and as always, thanks for the release. Still better than nothing, I guess.
DmonHiro (uploader)
Well, I’m not going to change the way I do my subs, but would you like me to teach you how to change the font size to anything you want?
I’m being serious. You think I manually change the subs for each episode? No, I just use file named “fart.exe” to change all subtitle files at once with one simple CLI command.
As there was no answer (should have been “yes” or “no”), maybe you didn’t read anymore where i’ve asked, so i’m asking here.
Do you think you could put the fonts for the specials (and any others nedded) in your Illya releases nyaa pages ? (Didn’t check yet if 2wei Herz!, 2wei!! or even 1rst season also need fonts).
Sorry if i’m bothering you, but personnaly i like your work and your releases (thanks again for them), glad to see you back, so i would like them to be “perfect”… ^_^.
DmonHiro (uploader)
jpsdr, yeah, sure. Come back in a few hours.
Thanks !
do you have Shokugeki no soma first season?