### **I've made a very nice looking PSP Remaster Ys: The Oath in Felghana using good photos, good compression, & MINIS2 settings.**
TESTED on PS3 Rebug CFW only (don't know if it works on OFW) PSP ISO at https://cdromance.com/psp/ys-the-oath-in-felghana-undub-usa/sa/
**Also if the torrent is slow or not working, try downloading it at http://www.mediafire.com/folder/1eqw8ncb0ip4o/PSP_For_PS3**

**Title:** Ys: The Oath in Felghana
**Genre:** RPG
**Year:** November 2, 2010
**Developer:** Falcom
**Publishers:** XSEED Games
**Language:** English
Ys: Oath in Felghana is the 9th remake of Ys III:Wanderers of Ys on the really old (think 1980’s before Microsoft) PCs by Nihon Falcom Corporation. It was localized by XSEED Games.
I’m being serious here. They remade it for every major platform including PC Engine, NES,and SNES from the 1980s onward.
The games is a hack&slash action RPG. I would like to make that clear right now. Some have compared this to Legend of Zelda since they’re very similar genre-wise but Ys games are much more fast paced than LoZ. You go slay random monsters, explore dungeons, puzzles, power ups/skills, everything you would expect of a RPG.
Save Data Screenshot does not work, so your Save Data will be a black icon that has the Ys The Oath in Felghana Logo on it.

**P.S. I'm working on more PSP for PS3. If you have any ideas, let me know.**
File list
Ys - The Oath in Felghana UNDUB [ULUS10558][PSP Remaster].pkg (735.9 MiB)
Comments - 4
lain32 (uploader)