The story of Shonan Junai Gumi deals with the Oni-Baku (Demon Explosion) duo, consisting of Eikichi Onizuka and Ryuji Danma, and their quest to lose their virginity and reach maturity. They are widely feared bōsōzoku, and are known for their tenacity and viciousness in a fight. However, this lifestyle does not endear them to the opposite gender, so they decide to change their ways. However, this is easier said than done. As the story unfolds, we meet the Oni-Baku's wide range of friends and foes, and the crazy situations they all get into. The story begins as a gag manga, but more serious issues present themselves as it continues, eventually striking a balance similar to that of GTO (which this manga predates).
The torrent contain:
湘南純愛組! Anime OVA 1 to 5 + VHS Covers
湘南純愛組! Live Action 1 to 5 + VHS Covers
湘南純愛組! Bad Company (Live Action) + VHS Cover
I am not the creator of those rips, since most of the torrents we can find are now 10 years old and sadly inactive, i searched them for a long time and i am now able to share them.
![alt text]( "Ep1")
If someone has better sources or softsub feel free to contact me thanks
This would be a good project to take on (I've found the subtitles in .srt/.ass for all 5 episodes in Russian) but without the hardsubbed english episodes I can't do pretty much nothing.
@Obaku I already got it from BakaBT, it's gonna take a while until I get the subtitles done (~600-800 lines per OVA and I've have to watch this before starting since I haven't yet) :P. Also after I've seen these raws, they don't look any better than the hardsubbed files so I guess I'll wait for a better version.
Comments - 9
Obaku (uploader)
Obaku (uploader)