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cmon accept it. deep down we all knew they won't air that arc on tv for sure. honestly i not think they will air anything on tv any more. especially next year will be the hard censored year again.
let hope beside from ova, there will be some thing like netfix version too.
@tehe during village arc in manga there are a story about a goblin lord but judge from the next episode is end of season. honestly i think they gonna skip it for sure, for make it short and clearly for the sake of censorship.
>tehe during village arc in manga there are a story about a goblin lord but judge from the next episode is end of season. honestly i think they gonna skip it for sure, for make it short and clearly for the sake of censorship.
Dude, stop drinking or go learn some English.
I can't understand this gibberish.
You are an idiot Kamiyan93.
Stop complaining and try.
But for other people, there is an arc on the light novel that deals with the invasion of their little village and Goblin Slayer helps the adventurers for help. What he means is that probably they gonna skip this season. Either they are aiming for a second season OR some extra OVA. Sincerely I do hope for a new season - and one without any censorship. This show needed to be uncensored to better fulfill the author's ideas.
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