Orphan presents the first English version of the 1991 comedy anthology OVA *Eguchi Hisashi no Kotobuki Gorou Show*, from the fertile (or deranged) mind of Eguchi Hisashi, creator of *Stop!! Hibari-kun*. Ecchi is some places, sketchy in others; it includes four segments:
- The Vulgar Family
- The Vulgar Family, Yet Again
- Rebel without a Cause
- Monster Kingdom
Encoded from a Japanese laserdisc. See the blog entry for more information.
This release, and all Orphan releases, are available for direct download from IRC bot Orphan|Arutha in channels #nibl or #news on irc.rizon.net.
File list
[Orphan] Eguchi Hisashi no Kotobuki Gorou Show (LD) [78F1E78B].mkv (419.4 MiB)
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