Properly organized by volume+chapter to easily reference (tankobon). The raws are sourced from screenshots and then I used ImageMagick to bulk crop the edges. Nearly identical source to AnimeMaakuo’s.
you did not preserve the file structure. full colour editions contain 17 chapters each and are based off the kazenban. you have compiled everything based off the tankouban chapter order…for some unknown reason. kind of confusing. thanks nonetheless :) i shall of course be heavily comparing this to the kazenban, to see if it is even worth reading. I know the kazenban had certain special features…which i hope are preserved in this edition :)
Comments - 4
Cool uploads, dude.
Viz is taking a lifetime to release the entire Full Color series in English so can’t support them as I’d like.
you did not preserve the file structure. full colour editions contain 17 chapters each and are based off the kazenban. you have compiled everything based off the tankouban chapter order…for some unknown reason. kind of confusing. thanks nonetheless :) i shall of course be heavily comparing this to the kazenban, to see if it is even worth reading. I know the kazenban had certain special features…which i hope are preserved in this edition :)
I was really hyped until I read “sourced from screenshots” ;_;
Godlike share!