[35mm] Liz to Aoi Tori - Liz and the Blue Bird [1080p] [562EF58C].mkv

2018-12-07 07:48 UTC
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File size:
3.2 GiB
Info hash:
Original translation. We've fixed the one typo someone mentioned in the comments for the 720p release. This also includes the usual extras (Japanese closed captions, the 5.1 audio track, all three commentary tracks) that weren't in the raw we used for the 720p release. (Friendly reminder that you can always get our subtitle scripts from AnimeTosho. Fonts too, but the two fonts we use are both freely licensed so you can pretty much download those anywhere.)

File list

  • [35mm] Liz to Aoi Tori - Liz and the Blue Bird [1080p] [562EF58C].mkv (3.2 GiB)
Thanks! How does the encode compare to Moozzi2's 1080p?
Sankyuu! Can you put BD on the tiel for easier search :)
>How does the encode compare to Moozzi2’s 1080p? Stop this meme already.
> Stop this meme already. Not a meme, genuine question. I originally muxed in the subs with Moozzi2's 1080p encode since I couldn't wait a day to watch. Noticed the encode is 4.5GB with just the FLAC track compared to this encode's 3.2GB with all audio tracks. So was curious on the quality comparison.
> Moozzi2 itself is a meme.
@Mabby A genuine question deserves a genuine answer. The difference between these encodes is the way Moozzi2 filters his work. He has a comparison between the source and his filtered version on his torrent. Use the source as a comparison to see the difference between this torrent and his. Generally speaking, he is known to brighten up colors a little and sharpen the lines in his releases. Some people prefer this and consider normal encodes to be 'too blurry'. Other people hate it and will shitpost about it non-stop. At the end of the day, it's comes down to your personal preference, use whatever you like the best.
Seems like Moozzi2 altered the color gamut for a bit more saturation so I suppose this encode wins by default for being untouched. I didn't really notice any overly saturated or black clipping scenes when watching with that release though - still very pretty. Edit: Thanks @Astral for the answer!
Moozzi2 has terrible encodes, in my opinion. He messes with the colors and sharpens it way too much. I also use a little sharpening, but Moozzi uses like... 20 times more. And the colors are way too saturated for my tastes.
So is this the best sub nyaa can offer? And can i bother you with some screenshots.
tbh, people exaggerate about how Moozzi2 sharpens/saturates encodes. When you see the difference between the originals and his, they look way better and clearer imo. Even if he messes with the untouched it always comes down to the outcome. Generally speaking, people do have different opinions on types of encodes. This should be more respected. Shitposting will just kill and discourage this community to do provide more. We got spoiled way too much that we forgot how to be grateful, to the point we just hate/flame on things we dislike and don't match our *personal* preferences. Grow up and be thankful for anything provided free for us. Thanks 35mm for the release.
You're not wrong entirely, but Moozzi looks much better as stills, not when moving. Also, bad work should never be respected. While "it's better then nothing" is valid, this is hardly the case.
@Dmonhiro No, the case is it's bad work for *you*. Other people would like it. You could always give your personal opinion but with respect for the efforts. That's where I'm getting at.
No, bad work is bad work. This isn't the DVD era where good encoders were expected to fix the problems with the source. BDMV is, in most cases, fine. It doesn't need its colors super-saturated or its edges sharpened. Just because some people like bad work does not mean it's not bad work.
These days we have more raw groups than fansubs. It's only natural to complain about poor quality work. Also, correct term for "other people" is "autistic weebs".
https://diff.pics/jUXf0sJ65mxj/4 Comparisons like this one are all you need when arguing with moozzi2 fanboys. His own comparisons are cherry-picked and don't ever focus on potential detail loss (e.g. dark scenes or scenes with heavy motion) or scenes where his kind of filtering would be destructive. Anyway, thanks for the release 35mm.
Moozzi2 is Elysium 2.0 with their over saturated color and sharpness. Just like how shit taste people impressed by Beats compare to dull and flat audio of studio monitor headphones.
what Moozzi2 did was just destroying the anime itself
Two things I learnt from here 1) Never ever say the word moozzi 2) Never say your work is the best, people are just gonna love you if you did
@Dmonhiro yeah, bad work is bad work, but again you are the one who views them like that. I never said he fixes encodes though. He just gives a different type of encodes to his preference and the others who like them. This what should be respected. Don't force your opinion on others. @Kamiyan93 No, It's definitely not "natural" dude. Actually, with raw community widening "These days", you can't expect everyone to encode to your satisfaction. Why can't you just take your pick and ignore others' work without complaining? It's absolutely okay to give an opinion (in a good way) but calling them "autistic weebs" just because you don't like their works shows how autistic you are not them. Edit: The whole point here isn't Moozzi guys, but how toxic a community we are. While it's already dying day by day, we keep fastening that. I'm done here.
@dexter some argues all the anime are upscales and are shit and bloated, while other goes around saying sharpening is shit. I have seen countless arguments like this which are never going to end. Haters are gonna hate, we can never change that. Just take it as a pinch of salt and leave them be.
Yeah, go back to reddit already. Weeb.
Preferred the filtered version of Uchuu Kyoudai than the normal one, atleast one good example I have of the RAWs.
Just for the record—I appreciate the speedy work you did here and didn’t especially mean to come off as rude. For how fast this got done, it’s not completely awful, even if I disagree with some of the choices made.
If you're trying not to be rude, you're not doing a very good job of it. You're out here calling a translation bad without watching the movie just because it doesn't agree with your style preferences. You wouldn't be doing that if you'd seen the complete filth that most movies get for subs, which nearly everyone watches because they're the only ones that get uploaded everywhere. Maybe pull your head in and have some perspective next time.
>The whole point here isn’t Moozzi guys, but how toxic a community we are. While it’s already dying day by day, we keep fastening that. I’m done here. lol some garbage raw encoder isn't part of the english-speaking community. nothing of value will be lost if they leave. >some argues all the anime are upscales and are shit and bloated, while other goes around saying sharpening is shit. I have seen countless arguments like this which are never going to end. Haters are gonna hate, we can never change that. Just take it as a pinch of salt and leave them be. almost like upscales and moozzi's garbage encodes are both bad... >If you’re trying not to be rude, you’re not doing a very good job of it. You’re out here calling a translation bad without watching the movie just because it doesn’t agree with your style preferences. You wouldn’t be doing that if you’d seen the complete filth that most movies get for subs, which nearly everyone watches because they’re the only ones that get uploaded everywhere. >Maybe pull your head in and have some perspective next time. "it could be worse" is a fucking terrible defense for bad subs. i hope you're ashamed for using such a shit argument.
What I want to know is why the nyaa "community" is so fucking toxic.
^Because anime is bad, my friend.
That's what happens when people lacks of art classes. Saying ''It's bad and will always be'' without be able to say ''It's only my opinion'' shows a lack of education. You know guys that even if you don't like the pasta your oncle make, you don't have the rights to say ''it's bad'' right ? Your parents never show you that you had to say ''I don't like it'' ? Same shit here. It's not your taste, it could be some else tastes. There are people who like photography with a lot of filters. For some others it ain't good if it's not untouched. Everyone has their opinion. If you can't respect that, you had a bad education, that's it.
@herkz: The argument wasn't "it could be worse," it was "Don't comment on translations you haven't watched based on some preconceived notion that the subs are literal/liberal because they do/don't have honorifics." Did you see that person provide any concrete examples of translation errors? Literally translated idioms? Anything other than honorifics or titles being left in Romaji for no reason? Because I sure as hell didn't. You know what I did see? These subs translated two instances of "許せない" as "That's illegal" and "Jailed for food crimes." There were several lines with added details in order to make them clearer. Wow, so overly literal and Japanesey. This is a movie where one of the two main characters is a shy and insecure girl who speaks in monosyllables and short sentences most of the time. You could punch up her lines to read better, but would it fit her character? No. Would it be a good translation? No. To reiterate my point, don't come in here criticizing a release that's perfectly fine without even watching it simply because it doesn't agree with your arbitrary style standards. The reason I brought up the other subs was because unsubstantiated claims like those could push viewers into watching worse subs. What if some garbage anon subs came out later? Will you be there to check each and every release and offer your glorious insights of their quality? If you're not, then people are going to see a comment here calling these subs bad and nothing on the others. Which one do you think they'll download? That's what I meant by "have some perspective." If you still want to call these subs bad, then give us concrete examples of translation errors or overly weebified lines with the original Japanese. But if your only argument is "b-but it has honorifics," then again, pull your head in and stop talking out of your ass. Put up or shut up, I'll wait.
>lol some garbage raw encoder isn’t part of the english-speaking community. nothing of value will be lost if they leave. Whatever you're trying to say is way off point. Who told you that this is an *only* english-speaking community? Even so, if you don't value them, others do. Learn how to accept others views. Flaming more now doesn't help anyone.
>The argument wasn’t “it could be worse,” it was “Don’t comment on translations you haven’t watched based on some preconceived notion that the subs are literal/liberal because they do/don’t have honorifics.” Did you see that person provide any concrete examples of translation errors? Literally translated idioms? Anything other than honorifics or titles being left in Romaji for no reason? Because I sure as hell didn’t. keeping honorifics literally is a mistake though. and i'm not gonna bother with the rest of your comment tbh because i have better things to do. >Whatever you’re trying to say is way off point. Who told you that this is an only english-speaking community? Even so, if you don’t value them, others do. Learn how to accept others views. Flaming more now doesn’t help anyone. is that why this entire conversation has been in english? and other people valuing them means nothing to me. if anything, some uninformed idiot thinking the encodes are good is an argument for them actually being bad. a comparison was already linked in this comment section that objectively showed how awful they are. "personal taste" is meaningless compared to actual evidence like that.
>keeping honorifics literally is a mistake though. and i’m not gonna bother with the rest of your comment tbh because i have better things to do. I prefer no honorifics as well, but in the current environment it's just a translator's personal choice and literally doesn't matter. This group did Koe no Katachi without honorifics and that decision made sense then, just as the decision to keep them for Liz makes sense now. If that's all you have to go by, then you should realize that you're no better than the idiots who call a translation bad just because it omits honorifics. Have fun doing whatever you have to do, I guess. Maybe you should've done that from the start instead of commenting on things you have no idea about.
@herkz Yeah? so other people valuing them meaning nothing to you and them being wrong with evidence existing, gives you the right to flame them, is what you're saying? it's either you were trying to show off earlier or something is wrong with you. Them being idiots or nah, the guy still gets downloads, and a lot are actually interested in his shit (though I don't like them myself). but you can't just deny/flame their "personal taste" whether there's evidence or the guy's releases are terribly fucked. that just shows how toxic you're in whatever community we're talking about (english or nah), and by the end of the day, it's only your perspective of things.
>I prefer no honorifics as well, but in the current environment it’s just a translator’s personal choice and literally doesn’t matter. no, that's really the problem. people have made the environment so that keeping honorifics is acceptable. that's what i'm trying to change.
@herkz Why keeping honorifics is a mistake? Well, I'm waiting for Beatrice-Raws release of this. Thanks for the subs.
@herkz and I'm glad that you are failing at it. @Scyrous Probably be better if you didn't cherry pick screenshots yourself to show what you meant from another anime instead of this anime. @Kamyne There's nothing wrong with honorifics. It's opinionated folks pushing their views on people to watch their garbage subs no matter how heavily localized it is. Things like translating "Tsundere" to "Bipolar" is just the start into the cringe. There's also cases where profanity is inserted for no reason and that's the start of these types that despise honorifics. Some "act" as their intentions are good but the majority of them aren't when you read their subs.
I blame irony poisoning.
>Why keeping honorifics is a mistake? as far as i know, they aren't currently used in english, so keeping them isn't a translation at all.
@noZA_ Except it's not even my comparison - it's CTR's. I shared it to illustrate the detail loss in some dark scenes that his type of filtering causes. You know, as an example, because that's what it is. Assuming that - for the sake of argument - the same filters/settings are used on his other releases, and the source is similar, it's gonna result in roughly the same amount of detail loss. I'm merely sharing what kind of destruction his filtering can cause (there's also some bright scenes in that comparison if you hadn't noticed). And no, I'm not gonna touch his rips even with a ten-foot pole. If, for whatever reason, you want a comparison for this particular anime, just make one yourself. It's not gonna tell you something you don't already know though.
>as far as i know, they aren’t currently used in english, so keeping them isn’t a translation at all. It doesn't need to be translated. We have this thing called "Google" with which to educate ourselves when a translator decides to leave commonly used terms with no 1:1 translation untranslated. You only have to look up onii-chan/nee-san/itadakimasu and Japanese name order and honorifics once. You release on Nyaa. Nyaa is not some walled garden of localization, which means that people pulling stuff off of Nyaa are going to come into contact with this stuff, and after learning it you do not need to see "itadakimasu" translated as "Yummy time," like in the Redline script I just fixed.
>It doesn’t need to be translated. Watch it in Japanese then. And wtf is that argument with 1:1 translation? Nobody translates like that. At all.
@Scyrous Some were asking what was better from this or Moozi's. I get why you went there but from what I've seen Moozzi2 doesn't filter all of his/her stuff and I mean in the saturation department tho folks will have to look at each release if they care. Other examples like this anime tho I cannot be certain if the BDMV actually looks like that but his/her [Maoyuu Maou Yuusha](https://nyaa.si/view/987487) was fixed I assume. [Before](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/5eo2lesbQZnlDmyNHNXphzxLiPcTnfQw3BRt41W2ZvsRCqgOPBOxh3g2Xv2q3ukf76BHCHgwHE-NaXl-eQeIjbvK3PrErkDbjo6UxALg5DoCGLHBRNpyIFJtSUz4NK7NFQ2wuaDLGg=w0-h0-no) [After](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/2HqJ8A6kinP-wJwjIkUCbWArEvanCdWpXrMqRubcftu1tS07MXk9Em0x1VZvk3kdlQNTsCHuHPiKIRxmzvkLstErckpepP2Vvi5XK2B5odA_h6kwN7f9-AMY2dsXBsKgl-jDVZ-AZw=w0-h0-no) Some I've seen have no filters besides line darkening, AA, etc. Just being balanced here. @Kamiyan93 or you can check those that serve your type of heavily localized English under the brand FUNimation https://nyaa.si/user/Golumpa and won't have to deal with those pesky subtitles plus you won't have to listen to the seiyuu's talking in "weebo" Japanese, right?
so is this the best sub yet?
Anyone wondering about the quality of the subs? Oresama is giving this an A+. Also, the movie is f*cking beautiful. How could they manage to make such a profound movie from two side characters (and quite forgettable ones at it) from the main story is beyond me. I was skeptical but now I am expecting great things from the next movie (https://myanimelist.net/anime/35678/) as well even though apparently that one will have another largely forgettable character as a main character in it. nb. thanks for the subs 35mm. you guys did a terrific job.
@herkz: and what kind of translation we are talking about? I see official translations also using honorifics nowadays. Try to be inclusive. There's nothing wrong with being a bit more broadminded and learn cultural differences that otherwise get lost in "I am an American and I eat burgers." translations. What are you? A republican?
@herkz It is, but I prefer honorifics on anyway.
Separate subs (35mm): https://files.catbox.moe/d4k9nn.ass
thanks for the demuxed subs also can i get a YIKES for this comment thread
I think all this bullshit about who has the best encodes is just plain crazy-who needs encodes? I have a different mindset and prefer raw bluray dumps-the video and audio as they come off the disc with no "re-encoding" crap. These usually come straight off the japanese blurays. Add some english subs and it's a done deal. People who complain about 30+ gig downloads-have you priced hdds lately? Dirtcheap.


This drama entertained me. Thanks guys.
Herkz is a piece of shit lol. Imagine trying to argue with him.
i yearn for the day that herkz-SAN finally leaves forever