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There were some problems.
Encoding computer & Torrent distribution Subcomputer, Gigalan QoS limit (120G per day).
I don't intend to buy a new subcomputer and add a New internet line. I am now spending a lot of money.
I also distributed Anime that other rippers avoid.
Dirty, Interlace, The configuration is complex Non-popular Anime, Noise Classic Anime, Exclusive BD etc.
(ex. Crusher Joe BD-BOX, Animentary Ketsudan, Diamond no Ace, Sousei no Onmyouji, yawara, Bosco Adventure, Youkai Apartment no Yuuga na Nichijou, Konjiki no Gash Bell, Kurogane no Linebarrels, Twin Angel Break etc.)
There are many animations that are not distributed in nyaa. (Because the vast majority of Rippers avoid it)
So far I have distributed. But I don't know in the future.
Since October, I kept working on almost every animation. I can't distribute all my Rip on my Encoding computer. Overload is severe.
Maybe, Some of the Rip that are too large will be excluded.
(ex. Katekyo Hitman Reborn BD-BOX, Master Keaton BD-BOX, Starship Girl Yamamoto Yohko BD-BOX etc.)
I have not distributed are about 3.5TB.
If seeding does not work I will be getting less and less deployed now.
Seed if you want to help me.
#### MD5 Check Program : [BreezeHash](https://drive.google.com/uc?authuser=0&id=1Hh_7ToCECV6TiqvbUqHm-df5nsCHl0uC&export=download)
In any case, you are my favorite ripper. Thank you for your hard work over the years. I'll help you as much as I can. I really hope you can continue your work.
Thank you moozzi always. There might be other ways for you to distribute the anime. Maybe someone will be able to tell you about a good way which dont involve in consuming you bandwidth as much as it is happening now.
I know you said a few months ago that you didn't want people donating money to you for more hard drive storage, especially since you weren't sure how far into the future that you'd continue doing this, but how about (fan) crowd funding for a seedbox (or several)? I'm sure there'd be enough people willing to chip in for it.
Could someone please seed Locodol? None of the other torrents on nyaa have anywhere close to what's in Moozzi's release and I've been trying for months hoping someone would seed eventually.
Since there's a good momentum here, I thought I'd ask. Thank you so much if you do help seed it. I'll try to seed it as much as possible when I'm done.
Maybe a way to donate? ^^ So everyone could give some dollars so you can rent a dedicated seedbox and/or for the parts of your computer etc.
I will also try to make a Mega Link for every Moozzi Release so if it ever doesn't get seeded anymore, there is a backup: https://mega.nz/#F!i3oEVCyD!jlcJIk6i1gdCfns4t-G-ZQ
Also will you please do Darling in the Franxx? All 8 BluRays have been finished, thanks!
@Moozzi2 , thank you for all your awesome works, i really appreciate it, and will seed your rips as much as i can
And, why you are not trying to upload them on telegram, you can upload as much as you want, make a channel and apload them to it and we will subscribe Your channel
Who cares about other rippers think? They can't decide for all other people who love your work. If they don't like it then they are welcomed to ignore all your work and get it from elsewhere (It's just they have so much free time that they spend it on things they don't like). You don't need to stop or even hold uploading because of them rather keep going on because of those who loves your work. Don't hold that 3.5TB to all yourself now, your encodes are worth sharing and well appreciated to us. Keep up the good work @Moozzi2 :) .
Don't worry @Moozzi2 , your communauty work for backup your job !
and more (maybe you can create a official discord where people can exchange and request seed communauty)
Thanks again for your job !
I think it's a good idea for moozzi not to accept donations as that is a great way for him or her to run into real legal issues (profiting from piracy) in the future. Thanks for your hard work nonetheless!
It has worked fine for fansubs groups to buy bluray disks. Who knows, maybe the donations can go towards his electricity bills... Who said the donations are going towards piracy? :^)
Comments - 31
Moozzi2 (uploader)