Ladies and gents, for your visual and aural pleasure we present another original broadcast recording of Dragon Ball, complete with commercials. Ripped and encoded by Dougo13 and shared with his permission.
Dragon Ball episode 37: “Enter Ninja Murasaki” / “Ninja Murasaki is Coming!” “Ninja Murasaki Sanjō” (忍者ムラサキ参上) Aired November 5th, 1986.
Comments - 3
Thanks so much to both of you guys, Dougo13 and Shiteater. These gems are worth preserving.
Seeding it as I downloaded it earlier via direct download.
Got it from blog and not torrent but thanks, you guys rock !
thank you guys very much
i am curious: how much more dragonball do you have?
or, still digging through tapes, do you not quite know yet?