The Prince of Tennis (2001 – 2002) Episodes (001 – 052) RAW [1080p GYAO!]

2018-11-27 10:58 UTC
File size:
41.2 GiB
Info hash:
✵ Source: WEB ( Japanese RAW Episodes (053 – 078): ### Seasons 1 – 2: 10/2001 – 10/2002 **_Episodes: 1 – 52_** **Season 1** | Ep # | Japanese title | English title | | ----------------- |:---------------------------------:| -----:| | 001 | 王子様現る | A Prince Appears | | 002 | サムライ·ジュニア | Samurai Junior | | 003 | 登場!青学レギュラー | The Seigaku Regulars Make Their Debut | | 004 | マムシと呼ばれる男 | The One Named Viper | | 005 | スネイク·ショット | Snake Shot | | 006 | その男, 越前南次郎 | Nanjiroh Echizen | | 007 | 二人のリョーマ | The Two Ryomas | | 008 | スプリットステップ | The Split Step | | 009 | ザ·ハード·デイ | The Hard Day | | 010 | 逆襲!佐々部再び | Counterattack! Sasabe Again? | | 011 | 越前VS桃城 | Ryoma vs. Momoshiro | | 012 | ア·ウンな二人 | The Perfect Match | | 013 | 男はダブルス! | Real Men Play Doubles | | 014 | つばめ返し! | The Triple Counter | | 015 | それぞれの戦い | To Each His Own Battle | | 016 | ブーメラン·スネイク | The Boomerang Snake | | 017 | 小さなガッツポーズ | A Little Gesture of Triumph | | 018 | ラブレター | The Love Letter | | 019 | 傷だらけのリョーマ | Battle-Scarred Ryoma | | 020 | タイムリミット | Time Limit | | 021 | テニスコートは燃えているか? | Is the Tennis Court Burning Up? | | 022 | 薫の災難 | Kaoru's Troubles | | 023 | 登場!乾汁デラックス | Here Comes Inui's Deluxe Drink! | | 024 | リョーマの休日 | Ryoma's Day Off | | 025 | 青学最強の男〈前編〉 | Seigaku's Strongest Man, Part 1 | | 026 | 青学最強の男〈後編〉 | Seigaku's Strongest Man, Part 2 | **Season 2** | Ep # | Japanese title | English title | | ----------------- |:---------------------------------:| -----:| | 027 | カルピンの冒険 | Karupin's Adventure | | 028 | 新レギュラー現る!? | A New Regular Appears?! | | 029 | 桃とマムシ | Peach and Viper | | 030 | 観月のシナリオ | Mizuki's Scenario | | 031 | ムーンボレー | The Moon Volley | | 032 | 必殺!英二の寝たフリ攻撃!? | Mortal Blow: Eiji's Feigned Sleep Attack | | 033 | タイブレーク | The Tiebreak | | 034 | ツイストスピンショット | Twist Spin Shot | | 035 | ドライブB | Drive B | | 036 | 兄, 不二周助 | Big Brother, Syusuuke Fuji | | 037 | リョーマ印のテニスボール | A Tennis Ball with Ryoma's Face | | 038 | ペナル茶! | Penal-Tea | | 039 | ヒグマ落とし! | The Brown Bear | | 040 | 雨の中の決闘 | A Duel in the Rain | | 041 | 波乱! | Trouble | | 042 | 狙われた大石 | Oishi is Targeted | | 043 | ラッキー千石 | Lucky Sengoku | | 044 | ジャックナイフ | JackKnife | | 045 | コートの上の悪魔 | A Devil on the Court | | 046 | サムライ魂 | Samurai Spirit | | 047 | 負けられない! | I Can't Lose | | 048 | 決着の瞬間(とき) | The Decisive Moment | | 049 | 異種核闘戦 | Free Style Fighting | | 050 | 青学名物! | A Seigaku Tradition | | 051 | 乾の挑戦 | Inui's Challenge | | 052 | 青学最大の危機 | Seigaku's Biggest Crisis | DDL:!1hImlQYI!f6nyylFla31W6tMqBVwfDA

File list

  • [Omar Hidan] The Prince of Tennis (2001 – 2002) Episodes (001 – 052) RAW [1080p GYAO!]
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 001 RAW [1080p GYAO!][C1902FBD].mp4 (811.8 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 002 RAW [1080p GYAO!][01352EB6].mp4 (812.2 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 003 RAW [1080p GYAO!][08CDD7F1].mp4 (812.0 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 004 RAW [1080p GYAO!][F4EEAEB9].mp4 (812.0 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 005 RAW [1080p GYAO!][E92BB96D].mp4 (812.2 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 006 RAW [1080p GYAO!][E8AFE4EE].mp4 (806.0 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 007 RAW [1080p GYAO!][3FE9BCA6].mp4 (812.1 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 008 RAW [1080p GYAO!][36B48CC4].mp4 (812.1 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 009 RAW [1080p GYAO!][E4176A64].mp4 (811.8 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 010 RAW [1080p GYAO!][FDDD9AED].mp4 (812.1 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 011 RAW [1080p GYAO!][B7ED6155].mp4 (812.1 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 012 RAW [1080p GYAO!][96ACBCB9].mp4 (812.3 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 013 RAW [1080p GYAO!][B0A10D78].mp4 (810.9 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 014 RAW [1080p GYAO!][AAE511C8].mp4 (811.4 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 015 RAW [1080p GYAO!][19E6D7F7].mp4 (812.1 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 016 RAW [1080p GYAO!][3B3CD206].mp4 (811.7 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 017 RAW [1080p GYAO!][BB0F9CB1].mp4 (812.1 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 018 RAW [1080p GYAO!][D065EB5B].mp4 (812.0 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 019 RAW [1080p GYAO!][C094F52F].mp4 (811.8 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 020 RAW [1080p GYAO!][984EA1AF].mp4 (811.6 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 021 RAW [1080p GYAO!][4E4D8116].mp4 (812.6 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 022 RAW [1080p GYAO!][6A3A0896].mp4 (806.7 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 023 RAW [1080p GYAO!][C1B923E2].mp4 (811.6 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 024 RAW [1080p GYAO!][67D1B37B].mp4 (812.1 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 025 RAW [1080p GYAO!][D1D0596E].mp4 (812.1 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 026 RAW [1080p GYAO!][32EFD949].mp4 (811.6 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 027 RAW [1080p GYAO!][024932F4].mp4 (812.5 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 028 RAW [1080p GYAO!][F9757E5F].mp4 (809.0 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 029 RAW [1080p GYAO!][2149F2CE].mp4 (812.0 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 030 RAW [1080p GYAO!][5E592D0F].mp4 (811.8 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 031 RAW [1080p GYAO!][54B89609].mp4 (812.0 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 032 RAW [1080p GYAO!][D33AB4DE].mp4 (807.4 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 033 RAW [1080p GYAO!][9E0C508B].mp4 (812.2 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 034 RAW [1080p GYAO!][D2896F22].mp4 (811.8 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 035 RAW [1080p GYAO!][13360883].mp4 (811.7 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 036 RAW [1080p GYAO!][DAE19D12].mp4 (811.8 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 037 RAW [1080p GYAO!][57D41435].mp4 (811.9 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 038 RAW [1080p GYAO!][C0BA2AE3].mp4 (812.0 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 039 RAW [1080p GYAO!][9F7E2509].mp4 (811.9 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 040 RAW [1080p GYAO!][99DD7CAA].mp4 (811.8 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 041 RAW [1080p GYAO!][CBAF00B0].mp4 (812.1 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 042 RAW [1080p GYAO!][A4350E2F].mp4 (812.1 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 043 RAW [1080p GYAO!][B469449A].mp4 (811.5 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 044 RAW [1080p GYAO!][D070AB9B].mp4 (812.1 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 045 RAW [1080p GYAO!][BB89FE53].mp4 (811.7 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 046 RAW [1080p GYAO!][20946864].mp4 (812.0 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 047 RAW [1080p GYAO!][9C477C32].mp4 (811.4 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 048 RAW [1080p GYAO!][17EE2576].mp4 (811.8 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 049 RAW [1080p GYAO!][DF8BFBDC].mp4 (811.9 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 050 RAW [1080p GYAO!][1220ACFA].mp4 (812.0 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 051 RAW [1080p GYAO!][C80D0A22].mp4 (811.8 MiB)
    • The Prince of Tennis (2001) - 052 RAW [1080p GYAO!][27D7D839].mp4 (812.0 MiB)
Shame no softsubs exist that I know of.
Why mp4? Dammit!

omarhidan (uploader)

@Kamyne no sub. Japanese RAW
@omarhidan RAW can be mkv, don't?

omarhidan (uploader)

domo, domo arigatou!
@Kamyne Stop with the whining and go do it yourself, because anyone should've know how to change a container (format extension) of a video file as needed/wanted, it's very easy... you don't deserve the tip, but I’ll give as it can help others... in your case for example, you can do it in MKVToolNix. @omarhidan Thank you so much for your fabulous work, always following these wonderful releases of this great anime.
Hello ^^ can you please reupload the mega download link? thanks a lot!
Another DLL:
@nikto Thank you for sharing! :)
could you please re-upload the links of mega??
Why is aspect ratio 16:9 with black borders left and right left as part of the video?