Did one last look at the subs, and they are now properly synced. Really should try and get a QC guy at some stage to help with this stuff.
https://mega.nz/#!nTBBTCzZ!o5z_nqhon37sD-gAUVuexDZegXiL-XBI8LTLuNPCRaM Subs on MEGA
https://mega.nz/#!jKY3SCYQ!AsjI0j_Mv59flw1lLgBwYrqnjq0oq8XCg6xPKorXZsM Post Epilogue OVA Special on MEGA
https://nyaa.si/view/805357 Series RAWs
https://nyaa.si/view/1037228 Other place to get RAWs
Comments - 14
Thanks! third times the charm :)
Any schedule for any releases? ^^
Sanks again for big help!
H94 (uploader)
@SomaHeir No prob.
Depends really. I have a release planned for a certain film that I feel deserved a better release. I hope to upload it soon when I get the chance. I went as far as subtitling the credits of this specific film over a 2 day period, which was quite a satisfying feeling. I also altered some of the translations so they read better out loud and the type setting, hope you appreciate it. :)
I’ve edited out
from the title, as this is not a Moozzi2 release, but your own work.H94 (uploader)
@CheekyKoala Changed header to be like the Heidi or Remi subs, makes it easier to find, is all.
in the future its better if you could do a complete release inclusive of the raws like you did with Black Jack … some of the older releases of Moozzi are no longer seeded.
H94 (uploader)
@akabane I’m seeding it at the moment, downloading fine for me.
Any plan Moozzi2 Marmalade Boy translate?
H94 (uploader)
From what I’ve read, that one is unfortunately an upscale.
are you remaking black jack original series?
H94 (uploader)
@akabane What do you mean by remake? As in setting up an animation studio and get funds to make a new Black Jack series? That may a little difficult :D
meant to say whether planning to release the original Black Jack series with better video and retimed subs
H94 (uploader)
@akabane I technically have already? If you count the Dezaki OVA series as the original adaptation as far as anime is concerned? I wouldn’t mind working on the 2004 TV version but no one has ripped the subs from Amazon so thats not exactly possible.
Thanks. Also, the Marmalade boy DVD release is superior to BD. Its a Full Metal Panic level of fail.
I know i am asking too much but also please can also somebody seed the Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei the tv series - this torrent https://nyaa.si/view/851009
Thank you!