[AnimeSkulls] Attack On Titan (Shingeki No Kyojin) Episode 44 [S03-07] [1080p] [Dual.Audio] [x265] [RD]

2018-10-08 11:30
File size:
402.6 MiB
Info hash:

Also Available On AnimeKayo.com Best Site to Download and Request Anime, Manga and Other Stuffs.

Video Source :: [Erai-raws] (1.5gb)

Video Specs ::
Format :: HEVC/[x265]
Resolution :: 1920x1080 [8-bit]

preview preview preview preview

Audio Specs::…

Format/Info : Advanced Audio Codec
Channels : 2 channels
Sample Rate : 48KHz
Language : English [Funimation]
Language : Japanese

Language : English (Signs & Songs) (DDY)
Language : English (FULL)
Format : ASS

For Corrupted video or audio problems just leave the comment.

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V2 and Audio Fix (Episode 44)

File list

  • Attack On Titan 44 Wish [1080] [Dual.Audio].mkv (402.6 MiB)

Video Source :: [Crunchyroll] (1.5Gb)

Crunchyroll is nowhere near 1.5 GB, and neither is DameDesuYo. So I’m guessing you meant LostYears?

RD164 (uploader)


I never use LostYears Source and Those who r downloading my releases from the start they all know this thing. And as for Crunchyroll size it can b depend on ripping too

Ya RD164 is right. I m downloading his AOT eps from the start and he used to released them first one day before.That time he was using AdultSwim audio bcause Funimation released late by one day.And the quality of his eps is also same from the start. So I can tell he is not using LostYears Source. But Subtitles he is using from DDY that too he is already mentioning from the start. BTW thnx for today’s Episde RD164

Instead of AOT Jap audio it has MHA Jap audio

RD164 (uploader)


Sorry dont worry I will provide a fix for it so u guys dont have to download the episode Again. Dont worry And again sorry for that. And Thnx for Notifying

RD164 (uploader)


The Japanese Audio problem is fixed now and the link is given in the description above. I also provided the V2 so if anyone needs u can download it.Either Apply the Patch or Download the V2. And again apology for inconvinience.

Can you add chapters for your upcoming videos from now ?

RD164 (uploader)


Well I will look forward to that. Actually Chapter Suits better for BD releases.

Are you going to upload MHA season 3 Dual Audio (complete) once all episodes are finished airing ?