[SCY] Attack on Titan (BD 1080p Hi10 FLAC) [Dual-Audio] [v2]

2018-10-07 10:28 UTC
File size:
72.8 GiB
Info hash:
**- 1080p -** Audio Track 1 (Default): English 5.1 FLAC Audio Track 2: Japanese 2.0 FLAC Audio Track 3: English Commentary 2.0 FLAC* *Included in episodes 3, 13, 14 and 25. Subtitle Track 1 (Default): English Signs & Songs (.ASS) Subtitle Track 2: English Dialogue [Baal modified] (.ASS) This v2 release features my own encodes instead of Winter's and updated tags for various tracks in mkvtoolnix. The subtitles are my own modification of Baal's subtitles (which uses Evetaku as a base). I resampled the scripts to 1080p, restyled the dialogue and slightly adjusted all of the typesetting. One sign was redone entirely. English audio was sourced from the USBD, synchronized and encoded at 24bit. Overall, these are undoubtedly the best encodes for S1 available so far. I spent many hours selectively denoising thousands of static, low-motion and bright scenes in an effort to bring down the total filesize and improve the overall look, without sacrificing any detail. Filtering comes down to insaneAA, denoising, debanding, dehaloing and some much needed anti-aliasing (the anti-aliasing also seemingly acted as a weak deshimmer filter). Miscellaneous things include the usage of animated masks made in After Effects for some of the earlier episodes, several fixed animation errors and the replacement of a certain scene in episode 6 with its uncensored equivalent from the first recap movie. Enjoy!

File list

  • [SCY] Attack on Titan (BD 1080p Hi10 FLAC) [Dual-Audio] [v2]
    • [SCY] Attack on Titan - 01v2 (BD 1080p Hi10 FLAC) [CBD993E4].mkv (2.9 GiB)
    • [SCY] Attack on Titan - 02v2 (BD 1080p Hi10 FLAC) [20A4EEDD].mkv (3.0 GiB)
    • [SCY] Attack on Titan - 03v2 (BD 1080p Hi10 FLAC) [4200051F].mkv (2.3 GiB)
    • [SCY] Attack on Titan - 04v2 (BD 1080p Hi10 FLAC) [AD544924].mkv (2.4 GiB)
    • [SCY] Attack on Titan - 05v2 (BD 1080p Hi10 FLAC) [44A85319].mkv (3.0 GiB)
    • [SCY] Attack on Titan - 06v2 (BD 1080p Hi10 FLAC) [D62E7784].mkv (2.3 GiB)
    • [SCY] Attack on Titan - 07v2 (BD 1080p Hi10 FLAC) [E1DC2B3F].mkv (2.4 GiB)
    • [SCY] Attack on Titan - 08v2 (BD 1080p Hi10 FLAC) [F4D61819].mkv (2.8 GiB)
    • [SCY] Attack on Titan - 09v2 (BD 1080p Hi10 FLAC) [96DE6A3D].mkv (2.7 GiB)
    • [SCY] Attack on Titan - 10v2 (BD 1080p Hi10 FLAC) [16BA6B77].mkv (2.9 GiB)
    • [SCY] Attack on Titan - 11v2 (BD 1080p Hi10 FLAC) [7D29BE72].mkv (2.7 GiB)
    • [SCY] Attack on Titan - 12v2 (BD 1080p Hi10 FLAC) [9C397002].mkv (2.7 GiB)
    • [SCY] Attack on Titan - 13v2 (BD 1080p Hi10 FLAC) [1D5EA292].mkv (3.1 GiB)
    • [SCY] Attack on Titan - 14v2 (BD 1080p Hi10 FLAC) [31AD241A].mkv (2.4 GiB)
    • [SCY] Attack on Titan - 15v2 (BD 1080p Hi10 FLAC) [8C76B945].mkv (2.4 GiB)
    • [SCY] Attack on Titan - 16v2 (BD 1080p Hi10 FLAC) [7CD4FAFE].mkv (2.6 GiB)
    • [SCY] Attack on Titan - 17v2 (BD 1080p Hi10 FLAC) [9F5AED29].mkv (3.5 GiB)
    • [SCY] Attack on Titan - 18v2 (BD 1080p Hi10 FLAC) [7AD44DF5].mkv (3.4 GiB)
    • [SCY] Attack on Titan - 19v2 (BD 1080p Hi10 FLAC) [74251863].mkv (3.4 GiB)
    • [SCY] Attack on Titan - 20v2 (BD 1080p Hi10 FLAC) [75B4F3CC].mkv (3.3 GiB)
    • [SCY] Attack on Titan - 21v2 (BD 1080p Hi10 FLAC) [0F29D31F].mkv (4.3 GiB)
    • [SCY] Attack on Titan - 22v2 (BD 1080p Hi10 FLAC) [18CE9333].mkv (3.3 GiB)
    • [SCY] Attack on Titan - 23v2 (BD 1080p Hi10 FLAC) [0A61717C].mkv (2.5 GiB)
    • [SCY] Attack on Titan - 24v2 (BD 1080p Hi10 FLAC) [96EA63CC].mkv (3.3 GiB)
    • [SCY] Attack on Titan - 25v2 (BD 1080p Hi10 FLAC) [A58EF124].mkv (3.1 GiB)
Well judging by the description, that's one hell of an improvement. Is there any way to contact you through facebook? I am planing to encode from this upload suing HEVC for my personal collection. I have some confusion about the settings I normally use. I previously download the V1 of this upload and after reading the description I am planning to download this one too. I have a lot of questions to ask but I lack mentor to guide me and give me tips for getting the best result. I tried contacting the IFME's developer but he's a bit weak in English and his words are a bit difficult to understand. I tried to contact the developer of HandBrake but he may not have a facebook account or he may have but it's not public. So it would be a great help if you tell me how to contact you directly in any way. Thank you.
Thank you for all the hard work! Excellent!
Out of curiosity, how would you compare the overall quality of this version to your original V1 release? Is it worth a new 70GB download? Or are the versions very close to the point where this release wouldn't justify a new download? Love your work, thank you again.
Would you consider doing the movies at some point in the future? kBaraka did a pretty nice release for the 2nd movie, but the 1st and 3rd have been kinda sidelined in that regard.

Scyrous (uploader)

@1VariableEntity Much better. Definitely worth it. Winter's encode has some problems, e.g. lack of anti-aliasing, strong debanding resulting in blurred textures, and lack of bitrate resulting in artifacting and detail loss. @type17_RAIDEN I believe I considered it at one point, but decided not to. The movies don't bring anything new to the table, unless you count those several minutes worth of ''new'' content at the end which are just part of the next season's first episode every time. I would never recommend going with a compilation movie over the TV series anyway.
Will you be doing season 3 when the blu ray is released?

Scyrous (uploader)

@Raamsa123 Of course :D
Great!!! Hoping you do the same for all the remaining seasons. I have got your season 1 and 2 encodes already and really want to have your encodes for the entire series. :D
To be fully honest, the reason I asked is because, while I have enjoyed the manga so far, I absolutely cannot stand the atrocious pacing/padding of the first season (or at least that's how I see it, I know plenty of people disagree).
@Scyrous Any chances on a v3 release of season 2 with your own encode instead of Beatrice-Raws and an alt sub track with neko-kBaraka's edits? Personally I'm not too big of a fan of some changes made in LostYears' edits, such as episode 6's you damn traitor > you fucking traitor & episode 7's hey, hey, hey, hey, hey > whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Why the hell would you translate Levi as Rivaille????????? Thats the dumbest joke in all of AOT. Great quality but the subs are pretty bad translations. Its always funny when subs try to write novels worth of text even though the translations dont match. Why choose this nonsense?

Scyrous (uploader)

@Mabby Perhaps. I will look into it. @romanius24 Go argue with EveTaku instead (which is generally deemed the best option for S1 btw). Just keep in mind that no fansub group is perfect. Plenty of other releases to get if you don't like these subs.
@Scyrous Thanks. If you do, I'd certainly appreciate it. :) Finding definitive edition BD releases is getting harder and harder nowadays. Regarding the subs, I'm not too sure if the changes were made by SallySubs or LostYears, but seeing as LostYears took the subs from SallySubs and DDY/neko-kBaraka doesn't have them, my guess would be SallySubs took a more liberal approach with their edits. Changes and edits for the sake of change. I haven't dived too deeply into comparison yet, but from what I've seen so far, I tend to prefer neko-kBaraka's included subs in their release.

Scyrous (uploader)

@Mabby Sure thing. The dialogue changes were made by SallySubs. LostYears mainly made changes to the OP/ED/TS as far as I know (which I then modified further for this release). I actually spoke to a former SallySubs member and they said the dialogue (not sure if they meant all of it) was translated from scratch, which might explain why it's so different. As for whether it's more accurate or not, I have no clue as I don't speak Japanese. But yeah it's totally fine if you prefer something else. With SallySubs gone now, seems like I have no choice but to use DDY/neko-kBaraka as the main (and probably only) source for S3. Although to be frank I don't care *too much* about dialogue, seeing as how I prefer dubs and all.
@Scyrous So I've been comparing episodes of season 2 for a bit between your release (SallySubs/LostYears) and neko-kBaraka (DDY Edit). Translation and dialogue flow between each release tends to trade blows from episode to episode and line to line, however I can say with certainty neko-kBaraka tends to lean on the more accurate side. Dialogue also just seems to flow smoother. For example in episode 1 at 17:37, SallySubs inserted an insinuated line that 5 titans were killed when what was actually only said was 4 remained. SallySubs also references 3D maneuvering gear as Vertical Maneuvering Gear while in season 1 Baal subs (Evetaku Edit), it is referenced as three-dimensional maneuvers / maneuver device. To keep it consistent between all seasons, I think 3D (three-dimensional) is the way to go. There are a bunch of other small changes and issues that I'm not too big of a fan of (such as how SS changed Survey Corps) and of course the aforementioned changes noted above. In my opinion if you were generous enough with your time to make a v3 of season 2, I would take the OP/ED/TS changes of LostYears (plus your own changes) and replace / embed them into neko-kBaraka's edited DDY subs, with your own encode of the blu-ray to match this release. However you may want to double check that the TS changes in LostYears are improvements over what exists in neko-kBaraka. In a perfect world, someone should probably give the subtitles some TLC and merge release lines based on what is more accurate or what reads better. But since SallySubs ceases to exist and DDY is the only group subbing season 3 and also the ovas, I think DDY/neko-kBaraka should be the default track for consistency between existing & future BD season releases - with SallySubs/LostYears included as an alt track as an available alternative, if even that. For me personally for the time being, I will unfortunately be replacing your [MK-SCY] season 2 release with [neko-kBaraka]'s due to the subtitles and will be hoping for a future revision from you! ^^

Scyrous (uploader)

@Mabby I've looked at neko-kBaraka, and decided that I won't be including it. Your findings seem to be mostly personal (nothing wrong with that though). Knowing that SallySubs was translated from scratch (and thanks to various opinions from other people), I will be sticking with the current subtitles as the default (and only) option. As for v3 changes, I'll restyle it to match my S1 release. As I said before, I don't care too much about dialogue. If you want perfect script consistency across all seasons, you will have to do it yourself (this would take many, many hours though, so be warned). You seem to be entirely focused on subtitles so I'm not entirely sure why you went with MK-SCY in the first place. Neko's encode is still very solid, and unless you're a videophile, you are not going to notice much of a difference (if at all). So by all means, please stick with neko-kBaraka if that is what you prefer.
Will you do AOT Junior High as well? @Scyous
For an anime with 25 episodes 72gbs is too big! Is there a way to make Japanese audio to be default?
@FilipinoGrandMaster use a program that removes audio tracks. I always remove English audio for my stored anime.
I'm pretty sure that the whole deal with Levi - Rivaille is the same as Luffy - Ruffy.
save yourself 10 gigs by removing the english audio and the english commentary
Nice bloat u got there.
if anyone's interested, here's an edited version of the subs with names, titles, and other terms made more consistent with ddy (and hence later scy releases) also some fixed typos ### __[Link](https://rebrand.ly/n2lhb3t)__
Episode 4 @ 11:!4 "this inane plan" Sir please fix......