MP4 Videos “as in” from PS4 1.5+2.5 compilation. Not in MKV because text is in either English or Japanese.
MKV videos are just dual audio videos, video is untouched in either way. From the same game, of course.
Waiting for KH 2.8 [JPN edition] to upload it’s compilation.
Reupload-ed in order to fix errors.
Comments - 4
Sorry but KH1,KH2 and KH-BBS Don’t have cutscene please upload KH1 KH2 KH-BBS again Thank you. i love this game so much :D
Intervencion (uploader)
Everything is correct as it is. Whatever is missing is also missing in the game or generated by ingame render on the fly.
Thanks for this!!
You gonna make an undub for the ps4 games?