AKAME GA KILL BDMV (Sentai Filmworks - USA)
2 BD50 2BD25
Audio: English - Japanese
Menu: Yes
Extras: Yes (AkaKill Theatre only with spanish subs the first 12 episodes)
Subtitles: Spanish, English (Selectable from remote control)
Audio: Ingles - Japones
Menu: Si
Extras: Si (Teatro AkaKill los primeros 12 episodio solo tienen subtitulos en español)
Subtitulos: Español, Ingles (Seleccionable con control remoto)
Comments - 6
Those Spanish subs aren’t part of the original BDMVs, right? I don’t recall Sentai ever adding Spanish in their releases. Correct me if I’m wrong.
spawniectes (uploader)
You right, the spanish subs aren’t part of the original BDMVs, I added them. My mother tongue is spanish latin american
Oh. I would have liked the BDMVs untouched. Appreciate it though.
Just curious, how did you add the subtitles into the BDMV? Muxed into m2ts files? Are the Spanish subs selectable from menu, or just English?
spawniectes (uploader)
Only the spanish subs are selectables from the menu, the english subs are selectable from remote control.
Pero los subtitulos son spanish coño :v
how did you add the spanish subs to the file?