[TADA] Dragon Ball movies (1987 - 1995) Malaysian-English Dubbed; Movies 2 & 3 (Dragon Ball) and Movies 1 - 13 (Dragon Ball Z)

2018-09-06 02:39
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8.7 GiB
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In the mid-late 90s trying to capitalise on the succ(ess) of Dragon Ball in their country of Malaysia a company named Speedy Video Distributors Sdn. Bhd. (The latter two words, “Sendirian Berhad” meaning “Private Limited”), decided to release the spin-off movies of the franchise dubbed in English through their retail stores nation-wide. The release of these movies, while sanctioned by T.A.E./A.I. (presumably Toei Animation Europe), were poorly-dubbed with masters allegedly coming from Mexico, Saban getting a cut of 25% for every movie sale, and English-speaking employees themselves providing the voice acting for the movie.

Basically, shady stuff - and only in 2012 did footage of these dubs come to light.

These movies would eventually see a compilation release consisting two volumes (contained in a DVD sized box despite the contents being a VCD folder) which The Apollo Dub Archive was lucky enough to obtain. Their VCD covers - or at least a portion of all of them - are on the box as are a list of the movies included, which the latter goes as follows:

(Volume 1)

-The Legend of Shenron
-Sleeping Beauty In Devil Castle
-Mystical Adventure
-Dragon Ball Z
-The Strongest Guy In The World
-Super Battle In The World
-Super Saiya, Songoku
-The Strongest Rivals
-Fight ! 10 Billion Power Warriors

(Volume 2)

-Super Battle of 3 Super Saiyas
-The Burning Battle
-Super Guy in the Galaxy
-Dangerous Rivals
-Attack! Super Warriors
-Rival Fusion
-Explosion of Dragon Punch
-The Way of The Strongest

All of these movies were ripped straight from our VCDs in DAT format, meaning that “Dangerous Rivals” - which supposedly had audio/video syncing problems ten minutes in - can now be seen how it’s supposed to.

Of these, however, one was not dubbed by Speedy - that is, “The Legend of Shenron” which simply uses a dub produced by BLT. The movies “Sleeping Beauty in Devil Castle”, “Attack! Super Warriors” and “Explosion of Dragon Punch” were never uploaded on the Internet until we got a hold of this compilation release and released it through our website.

Enjoy these releases for what you can! I don’t know much about Dragon Ball, but I do know these movies are a gold mine for drinking games and comedic video compilations. Do also check out our website for more obscure/lost English dub releases and join our Discord server to catch up on our releases.


File list

Thanks for sharing these losslessly, they either vary in aspect ratio or are 16:9 if I’m not mistaken.

thank you very much
and the special tv will not be shared?

  • Bardock – The Father of Goku
  • The History of Trunks
  • DBGT A Hero’s Legacy

Thank you so much, TADA! This will be really useful in the future for projects. My hat is off to you.

@SaotomeZ There are no speedy dubs for the first Dragon Ball movie or any of the three TV specials.

@rlee Most are 4:3 but I think some use the Japanese VHS as a source, of which some are letterboxed widescreen.

TheApolloDubArchive (uploader)


@sangofe: Yes, THE Speedy dub. Co-starring Saiya people.

@SaotomeZ and @rlee: As @clutchins stated.

@clutchins: Looking forward to seeing those projects.

@TheApolloDubArchive: cool, you got some episodes of this dub? They dubbed parts of the Saiyan saga.

6 volumes, 12 episodes (that we know of). Volume 4 (eps 7-8) is on myspleen.

What’s the best way to convert these?

@LTCProductions vcdgear is a program that will losslessly convert your DAT to MPEG1/MP2@224kbps, the video/audio codec for VCD

please seed a little more

Does this have japanese audio tracks?

Can anyone seed this please?

Alguien sabe donde se puede conseguir los vídeos de esta misma fuente en DVD o en mejor calidad… cual es su fuente exactamente… gracias, saludos

I will begin seeding this for a year once im done downloading

I’m pretty sure that broly(TheBurningBattle) is broken

If there are no seeders. DDL link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gIC70kPZ4VXNoUA0tg-aID1ToL_aB2l-?usp=sharing

Reach me on Discord if you can’t download it. Alperen_04#8759