Hatsune Miku Magical Mirai 2018 - 初音ミク マジカルミライ 2018 - 魔法未来 2018 [FULL CONCERT] No watermark

2018-09-01 19:18 UTC
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1.5 GiB
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## HATSUNE MIKU MAGICAL MIRAI 2018 ![alt text](https://magicalmirai.com/2018/images/og.jpg "MM2018") Concert date: September 1st, 2018 Location: Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall 3 in Chiba, Japan Band Members: Keyboards: MEG.ME Drums: camacho Guitar: Masaru Angelo Teramae Guitar: Kentaro Kaneko Bass: chloe **SETLIST HATSUNE MIKU MAGICAL MIRAI 2018 - TOKYO** 1, [Hand in Hand - livetune feat. Hatsune Miku](https://youtu.be/RKtoreimcQ8) 2. [ビバハピ (Viva Happy) - MitchieM feat. Hatsune Miku](https://youtu.be/WiUjG9fF3zw) 3. [METEOR - DIVELA feat. Hatsune Miku](https://youtu.be/2kZVEUGLgy4) 4. [アンノウン・マザーグース (Unknown Mother-Goose) - wowaka feat. Hatsune Miku](https://youtu.be/P_CSdxSGfaA) MIKU'S INTRODUCTION 5. [ワールドイズマイン (World is Mine) - ryo (supercell) feat. Hatsune Miku](http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm3504435) 6. [キャットフード (Cat Food) - doriko feat. Hatsune Miku](https://youtu.be/9aOBfAq7Ra4) 7. [アカツキアライヴァル (Akatsuki Arrival) - Last Note. feat. Hatsune Miku & Megurine Luka](http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm17064620) 8. [愛言葉 (Ai Kotoba) - DECO*27 feat. Hatsune Miku](http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm7696158) 9. [あったかいと (Attakaito) - halyosy feat. KAITO](https://youtu.be/RsmJ--RNgE8) 10. [Nostalogic (MEIKO-SAN mix) yuukiss feat. MEIKO](http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm24848610) 11. [on the rocks - OSTER project feat. KAITO & MEIKO](https://youtu.be/hk1L0ZV2bVc) 12. [No Logic - ジミーサムP (JimmyThumbP) feat. Megurine Luka](http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm8228650) 13. [ドリームレス・ドリームス (Dreamless Dreams) - はるまきごはん (Harumaki Gohan) feat. Hatsune Miku](https://youtu.be/JhuaYitvAaw) KAGAMINES 10TH ANNIVERSARY INTRODUCTION 14. [劣等上等 (BRING IT ON!) - Giga feat. Kagamine Rin & Kagamine Len](https://youtu.be/oEkGC2HV7rc) 15. [ロキ (Roki) - みきとP (MikitoP) feat. Kagamine Rin & Kagamine Len](https://youtu.be/Xg-qfsKN2_E) 16. [ジェミニ (Gemini) - Dixie Flatine feat. Kagamine Rin & Kagamine Len](http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm2540481) 17. [8HIT - じーざすP / ワンダフル☆オポチュニティ! (JesusP / Wonderful☆Opportunity!) feat. Kagamine Rin & Kagamine Len](https://youtu.be/UDskSD_F9KA) 18. [いーあるふぁんくらぶ (1, 2 Fanclub) - みきとP (MikitoP) feat. Kagamine Rin & Kagamine Len](https://youtu.be/1HLjnNEaD2A) BAND MEMBER INTRODUCTION [(ボーカロイドたちがただ叫ぶだけ (Vocaloids yelling only, WAAAA!) - GYARI feat. various)](https://youtu.be/czizBiAhHiI) 19. [リバースユニバース (Reverse Universe) - ナユタン星人 (NayutalieN) feat. Hatsune Miku](http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm31843582) 20. [TODAY THE FUTURE - はりーP (HarryP) feat. Hatsune Miku](https://youtu.be/3aF8l_iiK6g) 21. [shake it! - emon(Tes.) feat. Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin & Kagamine Len](http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm17608134) 22. [ODDS&ENDS - ryo (supercell) feat. Hatsune Miku](https://youtu.be/6OmwKZ9r07o) 23. [39 - sasakure.UK & DECO*27 feat. Hatsune Miku](https://youtu.be/ecU_uJRzhfk) ENCORE 24. [砂の惑星 (Sand Planet) - (ハチ) Hachi feat. Hatsune Miku](https://youtu.be/AS4q9yaWJkI) 25. [Tell Your World - livetune feat. Hatsune Miku](https://youtu.be/PqJNc9KVIZE) 26. [グリーンライツ・セレナーデ (Greenlights Serenade) - Omoi feat. Hatsune Miku](https://youtu.be/XSLhsjepelI) **Setlist Changes in Osaka** 6, [Sweet Devil - 八王子P (HachiojiP) feat. Hatsune Miku](http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm9711503) 7. [magnet - minato feat. Hatsune Miku & Megurine Luka](http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm6909505) 8. [1/6 -out of gravity- - noa feat. Hatsune Miku](http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/nm6971638) 18. [リモコン (Remote Controller) - じーざすP / ワンダフル☆オポチュニティ! (JesusP / Wonderful☆Opportunity!) feat. Kagamine Rin & Kagamine Len](https://youtu.be/XlECuwCumos) 22. [メルト (Melt) - ryo (supercell) feat. Hatsune Miku](http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm1715919) 24. [39みゅーじっく! (39 Music!) - みきとP (MikitoP) feat. Hatsune Miku](https://youtu.be/OuLZlZ18APQ) **FILE DATA** File format: MP4 Duration: 02:05:00 Dimensions: 1280X720 Frame rate: 25.000 FPS **ORIGINAL FROM MIKUFANS.ML** http://www.mikufans.ml/index.php?path=2018%E5%88%9D%E9%9F%B3%E9%AD%94%E6%B3%95%E6%9C%AA%E6%9D%A5%E6%BC%94%E5%94%B1%E4%BC%9A%E4%B8%9C%E4%BA%AC%E5%9C%BA&id=/5c431cfe-d64d-4919-b053-376379c23675&store_area=785959368 ![alt text](http://oi68.tinypic.com/24d1n40.jpg "MM2018") ## **PLEASE BUY THE BLURAY PACKAGES OF THE CONCERT** > 2 options: Regular and Limited Edition. Release date: DECEMBER 27TH, 2018 AmiAmi Regular https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=MED-DVD2-41199 AmiAmi Limited https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=MED-DVD2-41198 #### **THANKS FOR ANOTHER GREAT YEAR** ### **1 YEAR LEFT UNTIL MAGICAL MIRAI 2019 IN OSAKA & TOKYO AGAIN!** [![alt text](https://www.mikufan.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/magicalmirai2019-768x403.jpg "MM2019")](http://magicalmirai.com/2019/)

File list

  • 2018魔法未来演唱会.mp4 (1.5 GiB)
So cool.Thank you very much.
this one includes Osaka changes?

mikuno (uploader)

No, that footage will be available on Blu-ray bonus disc.

mikuno (uploader)

Here's another version of the concert: https://nyaa.si/view/1072437 Can't make any comment 'cuz my computer doesn't support the format :(
what's the difference between this one https://nyaa.si/view/1072437 ?