This is a three-episode anime OVA series based on the Fist of the North Star franchise, directed by Takashi Watanabe and produced by OB Planning. The story was adapted from Jubaku no Machi (-呪縛の街-, "The Cursed City"), a 1996 Hokuto no Ken novel written by Buronson and Tetsuo Hara set sometime after the conclusion of the original manga.[2] An English dubbed version of the OVA was produced by ADV Films in 2004.
This is the anime OVA adaptation of Jubaku no Machi (The Cursed City), a Hokuto no Ken novel detailing events set after the conclusion of the manga.
I tried to find the best looking encode of this and settled for the one of which I can't actually find the author of as it didn't come with information on who the author is.
The video quality is not perfect (but definitely watchable and acceptable enough) and originally had slightly incorrect aspect ratio which I corrected.
The reason for the uncommon resolution here is because instead of opting for anamorphic widescreen solution on DVD, the publisher of the DVD instead opted to add black bars to top and bottom of the 4:3 image.
I also edited the translation to be more consistent with the official Discotek translation of Hokuto no Ken series, such as character and technique names and other minor things.
The subtitle styling has also been made consistent with Tipota's encodes of the series and my previous uploads of the Ten no Haoh gaiden spinoff and the movie series.
For the original series please check out Tipota's releases:
For Ten no Haoh gaiden anime check out:
For the original 1986 movie as well as the 2006-2008 movie pentalogy check out:
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