Video Source :: [Blu-ray] [Some-Stuffs] [Untouched]
Audio Specs::…
Format/Info : Advanced Audio Codec
Channels : 2 channels
Sample Rate : 48KHz (256 Kbps)
Language : English [AdultSwim] (Sync by RD)
Language : Japanese
Language : English (Signs & Songs)
Language : English (FULL)
Format : ASS
For Corrupted video or audio problems just leave the comment.
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Comments - 18
RD164 (uploader)
Sorry for the late upload
can you do episode 1 in 720p?
Wow. You really are pathetic, you know that, OP? In the previous episode, your BD source was absolutely garbage, and on top of that, you also removed the torrent because your spineless ass can’t handle the criticism I dished to you. And in this one, while the BD source is fine, the audio is WAAAAY out of sync. You can’t QC to save your life, can you, OP? Delete this garbage permanently and learn how to fucking encode before you try to ruin any more anime.
@InvertiHerikawa Yep, audio is out of sync, but if you hate his release just go and ignore it. You’re being an asshole. BD source last time was the 1080p version of this (he re-encoded it to x265 though).
RD164 (uploader)
I stopped doing the released after that. But Many insisted on my Discord channel to to continue.Thats why I uploaded this episode late.But Now I m permanently stopping to do this released. If u want more episodes u can ask to Mr. InvertiHerikawa. He will provide u other eps from now on.
Pointing that a release is out of sync isn’t a dick move, you moron. The basics of basics in ANY release is ensuring the audio is in sync. If you can’t even do that, you shouldn’t be making releases, period. QC is also important so that mistakes like OOS don’t occur. I wanted to give you another chance to redeem yourself from the fuckery from last time, but it seems like you haven’t improved at all.
So it’s good to know that you’re quitting; the encoding community won’t lose anything with your departure.
@RD164 nooo dude don’t stop doing these, if it’s out of sync just reupload it after it’s fixed; this is my only source of getting the diamond is unbreakable dub on my computer! i know some-stuffs, their subs are great and i’ve been hanging out with them on discord way before the bluray subs came out. i would keep syncing the dub audio with their stuff, 720p or 1080p, doesnt really matter. as long as the source vid isn’t crunchyroll since they use the TV version and their subs are garbage. so all i’d do here is double check and resync the audio track.
i’m really sorry this person is giving you shit but please i want you to continue uploading this with the dub track!!!
and @InvertiHerikawa quit being such a sour asshole holy shit! thanks for driving this person off from sharing the dub track i need! you’re free to criticize the desynced audio but at least be constructive about it, not calling names and telling OP theyre pathetic, that they’re ruining anime wont be missed? who the hell do you think you are?? there’s a point in criticism where it becomes bullying and you have crossed that line way too far and i’m not going to stand for it. think about what you’re saying before you post it and how it could affect other people and stop trying to cherrypick the worst out of everything then blow it up into huge proportions like it’s personally affected your life in some big way. before you jump into an argument with me i want you to reread what you posted, look inside yourself, and determine if some of what you said was really necessary. thanks
@weirdmageddon there’s a post on kametsu… wicked’s encode. Episodes are released 2-3 days late though.
@mine1400 thank youuu <3
Don’t be such a whiny bitch. Obviously, the fact that another (and far superior) dual audio release exists is why I’m not afraid to drive this incompetent fuck away. You’re a pirate, and you don’t even know about Kametsu, the biggest pirate site of all? What a useless, brainless piece of shit you are.
RD164 (uploader)
Then why u r wasting ur time on Nyaa. Just keep visiting your Kametsu instead of wasting time here. And if u get a minute then try to check my other uploads for HXH AOT and MHA I may be a newbie encoder as u think I m, but still I know how to respect someone else work. Instead of insulting other people u should talk with them politely and help them to improve their work so that they can do better work next time.U r a good guy @InvertiHenKawa but your thoughts make u bad guy. Anyways if u get sometime then try to visit our new site We r still working on our site but I hope u will like it.
@InvertiHenKawa of course i don’t know about a niche anime-focused pirate site. i am not an active pirater. i’m really busy with school and more important things so there’s no point in signing up for kametsu for one dub release when i wouldnt be able to keep my account open on there because i have nothing to say or give back to the community. and like RD said, you should tell people politely how they can improve their work instead of just insulting them. that’s an integral thing i’ve learned in art school about giving critiques and it’s a good life lesson that should be fairly simple to understand.
Don’t tell me about life lessons when the OP in question looks like he’s suffering from terminal textual cancer. Jesus fucking Christ, who even types like that? It’s not hard to spell YOU and ARE properly. I don’t want to help someone that types and encodes atrociously. Ensuring videos aren’t OOS is a given, and if you QC’d, it wouldn’t even be an issue. And no, I’m not interested in any of your trashy encodes, considering that there are far better alternatives out there. The Funirips are better than your OOS garbage.
Oh, and I don’t need your permission to log onto Nyaa. I can be wherever the fuck I want to be; rather, an incompetent turdface that can’t encode properly doesn’t belong on this site.
Also Mageddon, once again, you have proven to me just how brainless you are, considering the fact that Kametsu has more to offer than just Jojo. If you aren’t even gonna sign up just to see how huge of a library it has, then shut the fuck up and stop making assumptions. Also, it’s HERIKAWA, spelt with RI, not HENkawa. Nobody’s a fucking hen here, dipshit. And don’t you fucking dare to capitalize the K in Herikawa; if you’re just gonna butcher my alias as badly as the sorry excuse of an encoder (the OP) does with his releases, then don’t reply. FUCK OFF.
Also, stop making excuses about how you’re busy with life and blah, blah, blah. Everyone’s got a goddamn life, not just you. Yet they are able to make time to find the best encodes of a show and work on encoding and stuff. This implies that you can’t juggle real life and your online life simultaneously, which is an element commonly found in whining bitches like you.
I m a just normal person and dont know a bit of encoding. But I m downloading RD’s uploads of AOT and MHA since he started uploading. And I dont really find any Quality And Audio problems in them. Infact they r small in size and he also uploads faster than others. @InvertiHerikawa if Selfish, Badmouth and Arrogance people are working with Kametsu then I would love to stay away from Kametsu forever. And someone started uploading Jojo DIU eps in Dual Audio on I dont see any problem in them. Those who want can download them It is best site atleast for me.
HEVC is a garbage encoding method; that’s the absolute truth, not an opinion. Feel free to stay away from Kametsu, Jellal. Our community has no need for trash loving troglodytes like you, anyway. You just admitted that you can’t tell what quality is, so don’t even try to defend this piece of shit. Looks like you’re suffering from terminal textual cancer too. Oops. Well, that’s fine. Small file sizes don’t mean shit if the quality is crap, which is basically all of RD’s encodes. Anyone that cares about quality will undoubtedly stay the hell away from RD.
What kind of elitist shitstorm did I stumble upon?
Lmao, that fucking sperg out by the tard above. ?
This @InvertiHerikawa is an idiot of unimaginable level. He is suffering from some kind of superiority complex. Nobody downloads his encodes. x264 with 10bit is absolute garbage. Most of the hardwares don’t have native support for it.