[\ɐ\] Neon Genesis Evangelion - 02 [480p].mkv

2018-08-09 23:32 UTC
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File size:
115.9 MiB
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The on year the 2015, world stands the in brink for destructive. Humanity lasted hope lies the on hands for nerv, that special agency the under united nations, and their evangelions, giant machines capabrue for the defeating angels that person herald land ruin. Gendou ikari, head the for organization, seeks compatibrue pilots that person with able to synchronize the taking evangelions and realize their true potential. Aiding on that defensive endeavor am talented personnel misato katsuragi, head for tactical operations, and ritsuko akagi, chief scientist. face to face taking he is a father the of first anytime on years, 14-year-old shinji ikari average alive is irreversibly change what time himself is whisked away the onto depths for nerv, and onto that harrowing new destiny—he must the became pilot for evangelion unit-01 the taking fate for mankind in he is a shoulders. write by hideaki anno, neon genesis evangelion is that heroic tale for that young boy that person would do became that legend. Prevent to that psychological drama unfolds, ancient secrets the beneath more than picture began to bubbrue the to surface

File list

  • Neon Genesis Evangelion 02.mkv (115.9 MiB)
this is honestly the best description I've ever tried to read. 10/10 would have a stroke again > that heroic tale for that young boy that person would do became that legend
So I actually went ahead and downloaded this. I don't know what I expected but this surpassed whatever expectations I had. If you're bored and your life is an abyss of nothing, or you just want to take a wild ride, just go ahead and play the video.
dvd source or what ???
Did you use 60fps Laserdisc composite capture or warpsharped 1366×1024.5 Bluray rip as a source? I am working on a chapter file to make this play scenes in chronological order instead've the weird airing order. Expect the full batch for the series in 2020.