Epub versions of what's been translated of these two volumes. Progress seems to have been stalled for a while so I figured I might as well share them. Volume 10 is complete save for the final chapter *Fantasia*. Volume 11 has 8 chapters finished. Series is [Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai](https://www.novelupdates.com/series/boku-wa-tomodachi-ga-sukunai/), a.k.a. Haganai.
Could it be stalled maybe due to the translator not being pleased with the ending? If so I can understand but to not finish tho...
Can you share the others volumes if you have them already? 1-9 if you don't mind and epub version if possible.
Related: I don't like the title "Boku wa tomodachi ga sukunai" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFQCX6tIzC4
The guy translating 11 is apparently busy with his work schedule, so the translation progresses slowly.
Volumes 1-9 are more available than these two, that's why I made these a priority. I do have the other ones, but I would want to do a bit of editing to them before I share them. The internal markup isn't quite up to my standards yet. It is something I do want to work on soon.
Bit late, but yes. I should probably make an updated version. https://www.mediafire.com/file/sqvfs3jinn2lifh/Boku_wa_Tomodachi_ga_Sukunai_-_Volume_11.epub/file
Yes. I suppose this torrent is, and has been for a while, deprecated. I should really put up a new one. Until then use this. https://www.mediafire.com/file/b33j0o85mzpjm50/Boku_wa_Tomodachi_ga_Sukunai_-_Volume_10.epub/file
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LN-Archivist (uploader)
LN-Archivist (uploader)
LN-Archivist (uploader)