[Anonyneko] Asagao to Kase-san. - OVA [BDRip 1080p HEVC FLAC].mkv

2018-06-15 21:15
No Americans were harmed in the making of these subs
File size:
1.1 GiB
Info hash:

The fluffiest gay anime girls this rotten world has ever seen, now in better quality than ever, courtesy of a new full high definition rip. Despite an indication on the disc cover, neither rip so far contained the supposedly existing official English subtitles, so we decided to fill the gap until the normal edition hits the shelves in god knows how long. Make sure to buy it if you like this kind of heartwarming yuri.

Raws: Airota&LoliHouse - the super high quality 6 channel audio track that takes up another gigabyte is also located here, if you’re interested.
Timing: Maxine
Typesetting: Maxine
TL: Maxine & me
TLC: me
Editing: Maxine

This OVA is good, and we spent effort polishing up this release, so I have to say the negativity was rather discouraging. Not trying to sound full of ourselves, but it’s properly translated and edited well. You can watch with or without honorifics (default), we heard you, and there’s a Japanese transcription for those few of you who might find it useful, as do I.

Customary Okinawan chinsukou softsubs.

File list

  • [Anonyneko] Asagao to Kase-san - OVA [BDRip 1080p HEVC FLAC].mkv (1.1 GiB)

what a fucking garbage

Thank you for the honorifics & your hard work. Now all i need is the Boku no Kanojo ga Majime Sugiru Shobitch na Ken OVA.

shit, wish I’d seen this before watching the other release. thanks for putting out the option anyway.

Thank you for putting honorifics in this version.
I was going to download the 1080p anyway, so…

Loved it.At 5:40, it’s either missing subs or needs timing fixed, & at 43:23, the timing is off.Other than that nice job.Thanks.

Anonyneko (uploader)


Thanks for mentioning this. Both of these moments seem fine to me (in MPV and MPC-HC), but both of them have a fade effect - perhaps not every player is fond of these.

Any chance (not holding my breath) of a patch [or usable srt file] for the 720p file

Anonyneko (uploader)


I didn’t really bother as MPV and some other players scale the 1080p .ass perfectly well when using with 720p video. Have you already tried using the provided softsub on the 720p release?

That or you can just Ctrl-R Kase to Kase-san if that’s why you want it.


I like my memes better.

Dat feel when the audio track makes up 49% of the file size… At least it wasn’t the 1.1gb 6 channel stuffed in there.

Thanks for your hard work on this. There’s an issue with the honorific-included subtitles though. At least on my player (an admittedly old version of media player classic) all the lines with honorific are overlaid over the lines without, which is kind of jarring and hard to read. Still watchable though.

WHY this is shitty FLAC…?

Anyone have the sauce for where to actually buy this BD?

Great quality, thanks!