This is NOT the same as the Netflix series. Just getting that out of the way.
Sorry for the delay, it was caused by stupid optimism and also poor power companies in the mountains of New Jersey who can’t handle any storm ever without having power outages for days. So, info on the batch that isn’t in the folder name. These are YouTube rips of the Aggressive Retsuko series that aired on the Ousama no Brunch/King’s Brunch TV program and was also uploaded to Youtube. This is all of the episodes of that series, and changes were made to basically all of them. Dialogue was changed and corrected, text/sign effects and fonts were changed and made consistent with the style of later episodes, an episode or two with buggy effects were fixed, and all episodes have an extra zero in their number because if they didn’t it’s possible your computer would sort it with episode 100 as like, the first thing, which is not cool. I don’t remember what else I was going to say so have fun and thanks for thanking us on every torrent we upload for this. Enjoy the fabulous upload speed of Horse, which is extremely better than the upload speed of CAAAAAAAAAAAW. You’re welcome.
Comments - 6
Thanks a lot.
Although i think i saw about each one already, still going to get this to have the final glory for eventual rewatch.
thank you! <3
Ep097 doesn’t seem to be working properly bruv
Thank you very much!
Thank you <3