This is a widescreen anime that had the black bars already cut off on the DVDs, so that's why the anime is in 360p. That aside, I OCR'd the subs, but I only did a brief check over them, so there's probably OCR mistakes and that's why I including them in a folder and not as default in the files. However, they will automatically come up when you play the video so switch to the VOBs if you prefer them.
Anyway, Kintaro is a pretty average, cheaply-made anime, but it is different so it's worth a checking out.
Lastly, here are some comparisons between my release and the old one which is unnaturally brighter and darker for some reason as you'll see. At any rate, do enjoy.
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"Anyway, Kintaro is a pretty average, cheaply-made anime"
Thank you for your effort uploader...BUT your remark is really idiotic. The anime was made in 2000, and was made by the same artist company who made Lupin, Cowboy Be Bop and even Trigun..
So with your "logic" anything "old" before 2022 is "cheaply made". They have a specific artwork during that time. What's next, Godather made in the 70's was cheaply made?
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