Zippy, That just looks like a PAL conversion by the dimensions. It only came out in DVD and US and Japan DVDs are NTSC 480p standard. MPC using MADVR rescales it and colors it just fine on my 55" 4k LG TV set for 1080p for deep color since it is prior native 4k HDR. So 480p is the best video for this one since it is so old and not rereleased on blu ray.
Joe, I have been waiting too and realized it was on my DVD/Blu Ray collection wall. Yes, I believe in supporting publishers the best I can or at least preserving as many titles through used resale as much as I can. So I gingerly put the DVDs in my computer's Blu Ray burner and ripped them.
Emilia, Pas de quoi
Big girl Joe, Buy the Princess Jellyfish DVDs then... Funimation has it for $22.49 -
I would like to know where is getting 4 seeders from? I can imagine 3 with all my self connects, unless it counted when my port changed on them.
hey @BobP the speed is very slow. why is that? even though it shows some other people in the list as me?
Each of them having 3.9%-4.0% as of now But no 100% (actual seeders) to get from.
Hope you do something if not I'll just hold on to it for now.
As soon as it finishes I`ll seed this for at least 6 months as this was difficult to get for my archive.
Always happy to help Joe. I support US Anime publishers as much as I can or we will not have any new English Dubs for Newbies.
Lightening One, my system has been seeding all day. Sorry but I was at church, shopping, and visiting relatives today. Tracker sometimes drops off when it does not re-announce properly for my system and then website sees no seeders which is a lie. I just manually announced on all trackers, so I should show up on the active ones now and the Nyaa sites. I am on Satellite Internet so my max UL speed is about 12KB/s. So initial seeding on my releases will always be slow so I need everyone to be patient. I do not find this release anywhere else so be thankful for the time I took decoding and preparing it which took a few weeks. And like I told Joe, please support the US Anime Publishers as much as you can. Too many have disappeared already. I am living on Veteran's Disability but I still do my part. And even buying used encourages others to buy more.
Thanks for you reply :)
Yes, even I support many US Anime Publishers also it's an honor for having such great titles on my library shelf. But sometimes I find many things way too much expensive though I'm eager to purchase and yes I will someday definitely purchase them till then they are bookmarked. That's why you are in my bookmark too as you bring the rare jewels to us.
Thanks for your hard work. Never knew you had satellite internet.
LO, everyone is very welcome. Unfortunately, SMM is out of print. I have the "Perfect Collection which includes a collector box which can be had used on Amazon for about $20 but can be had for less on Ebay if you only get the 3 volumes used without the box. I can sometimes get out of print new probably originally from some store's inventory. I do try to get scratch free disks so I can do just this if I need to. Right now I have 3 DVD/Blu Ray "bookcases" with 6 shelves each which are almost full strictly for Anime.
I wish Anime Encyclopedia sites listed licensing, status, and availability better. Maybe you and others can tell me if a certain Anime is unavailable so I can see if I have it or can get it. When I was in the US Air Force I was considered a master scrounge if anyone needed something.
I have Satellite Internet because I am in God's Country in the middle of nowhere on almost 6 acres. I even use well water. It is nice and peaceful out here.
Dural, you do not need to connect to seeders (me) as long as you connect to those leechers that are properly configured (not firewalled) to share what I send out to the few I can send to with limited bandwidth. That is the whole idea behind distributed file sharing (torrenting). I toss out as many packets as I can to a few and then they are shared among everyone (there is a bit of loss from non forwarding peers though). I would suggest that you make sure you are properly announced to all the the available trackers (the ones not timing out) and that you also have the torrent program "search DHT" every now and then to pick up others that are no longer announced properly. Which torrent program are you using?
Stuck at 14%. Maybe you should stop seeding now and upload the files to google drive first. That would be way faster for us to download and seed to the rest.
Uploading to any offsite storage site like Google Drive would take a long time for me to start with. And you would just not see it happening other than it not being available for as long as it took to upload offsite. Plus there are offsite costs I am not going to pay for your benefit. I would rather buy more Anime Titles to collect.
It is never stuck, someone(s) is always getting piece(s) but it may not be you though. Tracker is showing 140 peers and I have seen as high as 153 on the tracker. I am seeing 83 peers currently and I am connected to 51 and sending to 15 unchoked peers at most which means they see 500B/s which rises to 1.7KB/s if there are only 6 unchoked. I have sent out 2,405,205KB at the moment but only 0.170 (17%) [526,403KB] of the torrent is out there at the moment because of people like you that join the torrent grab a piece or two, then leave. So everyone has to wait for the patient peers to get it all and share it.
Torrents are not fast, just reliable if people are generous enough and cheaper that centralized storage always.
lol. It wasn't for me, it was for the good of the whole group if you read my comment properly.
I didn't leave the torrent at any time. Reading your insulting post just pissed me off for some reason. Deleting what ever I downloaded because you're insulting people a lot here. I don't want your shitty upload anymore.
There are better uploaders than you here.
Pardon. Your loss. Insulting? Nyaa. Better groups with more resources maybe. Don't see any doing this one though. I just state facts. I hope you mature more youngn'. It is too bad the more recent generations are so entitlement oriented ("I want it, and I want it now") . I remember vacuum tubes and mainframes and was on Arapanet before it was the Internet. Ran many BBSs too. So I have been dealing with computers and files for a very, very long time and have helped many willing to listen. I think I have done more than enough for this group and others. I have 143 peers waiting for this one and others being shared by helpful seeders. I am even very slowly reseeding one that died. I wonder what other, cooler heads would say?
@>@ OH WOWZA!!! :D IVE FINALLY MADE AN ACCOUNT HERE FINALLY!!! :D and is this anime good to watch??? imma trying to go into old animes now :3 also... if ya have any old animes i hope you can upload them here :3 and i will letting the files seed and stuff :3 how long do ya recommend me to seed this??? cause i wanna support you and stuff :3 also... if ya can... can ya... try and get all of the naruto series and stuff??? like ive been wanting the naruto ova's mostly... but everywhere i go i cant find the right thing to download DX i want the naruto series/movies/ova's (these in english dub) :3 oh yeah... also naruto shippuden series/movies/ova's also if ya can (these in english dub also) :3 cause... imma into the process of trying to get the vizbig mangas of naruto and the dvd's also... BUT!!! the fucking ova's are the fucking hardest to fucking get when i search online D:< cant even fucking the a good webite to download the damn ova's!!! BUT!!! if ya can do that... THEN I WILL SEED THE NARUTO SERIES/MOVIES/OVA'S AND THE NARUTO SHIPPUDEN SERIE/MOVIES/OVAS FOR A LONG ASS TIME!!! :D AND I WILL LOVE YOU TO DEATH!!! :D BUT!!! i know its kinda too much to ask for... BUT!!! i hope you can grant my wishes :D oh yeah i want all of them into english dub is possible... IF some ova's arent into english dub then english sub is just fine!!! :3 thanks!!! :3
Welcome Dekachu or should I say Deka?
I am not into the popular anime (mostly action) but more into the romantic and strange ones as well as older ones.
If I remember right you are a girl?
Do you ever want romantic ones? Do you like anything taboo, strange or supernatural?
You will find much of the older stuff is not widescreen but normally 640x480 or less.
All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku is something older you might like based on what you have said. It is dubbed if you get the right release but you really should try to listen to the Japanese with subtitles and learn the easier Japanese because you are missing so much.
Yes, this one is an older one too that is hard to find. It is based on a Japanese mythology.
Oh, and remember to always buy as much Anime and Manga released over here to support licensesors and publishers or there will be less dubs and manga translations.
Thanks, much appreciated :)
And honestly, if people are so quickly pissed off about download speed, they can just buy the DVD/BRs. Bunch of ungrateful bastards they are :)

Comments - 31
BobP (uploader)
BobP (uploader)
BobP (uploader)
BobP (uploader)
BobP (uploader)
BobP (uploader)
BobP (uploader)
BobP (uploader)
BobP (uploader)
BobP (uploader)
BobP (uploader)
BobP (uploader)
BobP (uploader)
BobP (uploader)