Special CD that was included with the March 2018 issue of Comptiq magazine. 5 of the 8 songs have been released with the first 2 singles, but that's okay.
I also scanned the article, illustration collection and posters that were included to the best of my humble ability (scanning a magazine is harder than one might think, especially when it is roughly the same size as the glass surface of one's scanner; these didn't turn out perfect but I'm reasonably pleased with them. The posters turned out okay so long as you don't focus too much on the center where I merged the two halves together).
I'll apologize in advance for any stupid mistakes (I always seem to make at least one in every release).
Any help seeding is always greatly appreciated.
@Nakiame - if you look me up on [AniDex](https://anidex.info/user/7128) (same user name) you can drop me a message there, or if you're on IRC I can be found in #news on Rizon (please understand I'm often away from my computer so it may be a while before I respond).
Comments - 4
EinsamerWanderer (uploader)