And here’s part 2. This one’s more action oriented and we get the title drop of “zwei”. I believe they weren’t sure they’d get a 3rd season because otherwise I can’t explain the second part of the last episode. It was still a good season. Drei is going to take a while longer cause I forgot about the specials.
Fonts, because I forgot:!cVlgVKRZ!zxjzpxwgGoJlcS7xnHZAayki9yLdrsL4W-KV5dXcWoM
Comments - 8
wow this fast !!! 3rei is next ?
DmonHiro (uploader)
These two were “fast” only because I made them in 2015 and 2016 and forgot to upload them.
oh…i see. if i not mistake there is OVA too. are you have any plan on it ? mi lord.
DmonHiro (uploader)
No, 2wei Herz! does not have an OVA. Only the 1st and 2nd seasons have OVAs. This and Drei do not.
ooh nice. Waiting for 3rei next then
Are these Hiryuu subs for Herz?
Hi there, any news for 3rei? Thanks a lot
Please seed <3