In a round about way playing Final Fantasy VII back in my middle school days is what led me to get into the world of Japanese games and anime. The series and its music hold a very special place in my heart.
The FLAC files for this torrent were extracted from the individual M2TS files using the HD Streams Extractor in MeGUI (aka eac3to). They are 96 kHz/24 bit, but LAC results only 25 are clean (The Republic of Bastok, Forever Today and Awakening from FF XI; オープニング・ムービー/Opening Movie (Zodiac Age Version) and ボス戦/Boss Battle (Zodiac Age Version) from FF XII; all tracks from FF XIV and FF XV) , the vast majority were upsampled. The tagging was copied from the MP3 files that were included on the discs with some minor additions by me (total tracks, disc number and total discs).
I split the files into different folders by game, just seemed to make the most sense. Total duration for all 147 tracks: 08:51:04. FYI - each track has 3 embedded images, the ‘front cover’ is the cover scan above, the ‘back cover’ is the image originally embedded in the official MP3 files, and a third ‘disc/media’ image is taken from the popup menu and is different for each game.
I will most likely release the videos at some point, but if I do it won’t be for a while yet - encoding 147 videos (294 if I do both 1080p and 720p versions) takes time.
I’ll apologize in advance for any stupid mistakes (I always seem to make at least one in every release).
Any help seeding is always greatly appreciated.
Comments - 8
OMG!!! Thanks for sharing … Big Bomb @@"
thxs for this man.
I had a feeling this was too good to be true.
From Square-Enix’s store site. A lot aren’t. Many of them are upsampled to fit the 96.0 kHz / 24 bit specs making a lot of the tracks wasteful. Downsampling back to either 44.1 kHz or 48.0 kHz and a choice between 16 bit / 24 bit. The audio quality might be better then the remastered version tho I haven’t compared it yet. I’m talking about the classics from the NES, SNES, and PS1.
Example from Uematsu’s opus of Dancing Mad from Final Fantasy VI
@noZA_ although it is a pity, yet to be expected, that not all of the tracks are 96 kHz/24-bit, the spectrum analyzer does not reflect this either. The 96 kHz here is the sampling per second and not the tone frequency which is shown in the spectrum analyzer. It would be useless because anything aboutt 22 kHz can’t be heard by human hearing anyway.
Checking with LAC (Lossless Audio Checker) 2.0.6 shows it’s upsampled as well not like Square-Enix gives a damn about quality as I checked the mp3 files of this it’s horrible even at 320 CBR as it’s below the 20 kHz frequenzy. It’s like they got it off YouTube audio.
EinsamerWanderer (uploader)
@noZA_ - Thanks for checking into it, I honestly didn’t give it any thought (I always rip from CDs and so have never done a Hi-Res release of anything, and I never alter the sampling rate or bit depth myself, even here I only extracted the audio as it was present on the discs). For the record, LAC gives upsampled results for everything except the tracks from FF XIV and FF XV and 5 other tracks: The Republic of Bastok, Forever Today and Awakening from FF XI as well as オープニング・ムービー/Opening Movie (Zodiac Age Version) and ボス戦/Boss Battle (Zodiac Age Version) from FF XII. So in other words, only 25 tracks appear to be true 96kHz/24-bit. I’ll edit the description so as to not unintentionally mislead.
I believe Square-Enix has done this several times. I dunno about the FFX remaster and some others but I do know they did this crap on the FFXIV BD audio (the ones before A Realm Reborn) and it was the same as this one the majority of them. Just a caution if Square-Enix does another BD audio release. I’ll leave a note on the mp3 link of this.
im not supprise the spectrum show cut at 24/20khz they only put an old their song/album (let say cd ver 16/44) in a 24/96 container , if they want to fullfill the spectrum they must re-recording the album/single and the device recoding required to record or can to record frequency above 40khz (an old school recording device couldnt do this) , re-mixing or re-master couldnt fullfill the loss frequency in 96khz container ,they just put/adding more loudness,clearer sound, and other that doesnt related to frequency.if you upset with the size of the 24bit that doesnt afford any difference than cd ver , you could convert it to 16/44 it doesnt loss anything and save more space of your hdd.
thanks @EinsamerWanderer to share this , hope you could share aimer-refrain in the next sharing im really2 excited , very2 good ED in this season.
That’s what I suggested people do in my 1st post. On the FFVI which I was listening to attentively sounds almost the same as the original so they didn’t try to make it better by re-recording it which is a damn shame.