Browsing shinjico's torrents (18)

Category Name Link Size Date
Anime - Non-English-translated [漫游&HKG&澄空] Amagami SS 甜蜜吻痕 (圣诞之吻) 全26话BDrip 1080p MKV 简繁外挂 12.1 GiB 2022-01-05 14:39 7 3 611
Anime - Non-English-translated [漫游&HKG&澄空] Amagami SS 甜蜜吻痕(圣诞之吻) 全26话BDrip 1080p MP4 简繁内嵌 16.5 GiB 2022-01-03 14:23 2 2 441
Anime - Raw 1 [POPGO] Mobile Suit Gundam Hathaway 機動戦士ガンダム 閃光のハサウェイ 01 HEVC AAC 1080p BDrip 3.0 GiB 2021-06-21 05:00 11 2 6168
Anime - Non-English-translated [漫游字幕组] Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn 机动战士高达UC 独角兽 1-7 BDrip AVC 1080p 简繁内嵌 22.0 GiB 2020-08-08 06:29 1 2 483
Anime - Non-English-translated 1 [漫游字幕组] Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn 机动战士高达UC 独角兽 1-7 BDrip HEVC 1080p 简繁外挂 14.6 GiB 2020-08-08 06:12 5 2 1049
Anime - Non-English-translated [铃风字幕组&漫游字幕组]异兽魔都 Dorohedoro 12 简繁外挂 1080P MKV 443.5 MiB 2020-04-12 01:09 0 0 57
Anime - Non-English-translated [铃风字幕组&漫游字幕组]异兽魔都 Dorohedoro 12 简体内嵌 720P MP4 269.9 MiB 2020-04-12 01:02 0 0 83
Anime - Non-English-translated [铃风字幕组&漫游字幕组]异兽魔都 Dorohedoro 12 简体内嵌 720P MP4 270.6 MiB 2020-04-12 01:02 0 0 28
Anime - Non-English-translated [铃风字幕组&漫游字幕组]异兽魔都 Dorohedoro 11 简繁外挂 1080P MKV 691.4 MiB 2020-04-04 11:40 0 0 78
Anime - Non-English-translated [鈴風字幕組&漫遊字幕組]异兽魔都 Dorohedoro 11 繁体内嵌 720P MP4 368.5 MiB 2020-04-04 11:40 0 0 88
Anime - Non-English-translated [铃风字幕组&漫游字幕组]异兽魔都 Dorohedoro 11 简体内嵌 720P MP4 367.8 MiB 2020-04-04 11:39 0 0 40
Anime - Non-English-translated [鈴風字幕組&漫遊字幕組]异兽魔都 Dorohedoro 10 繁体内嵌 720P MP4 343.1 MiB 2020-03-23 15:09 0 0 100
Anime - Non-English-translated [铃风字幕组&漫游字幕组]异兽魔都 Dorohedoro 10 简体内嵌 720P MP4 345.5 MiB 2020-03-23 15:09 0 0 54
Anime - Non-English-translated [铃风字幕组&漫游字幕组]异兽魔都 Dorohedoro 10 简繁外挂 1080P MKV 606.6 MiB 2020-03-23 15:02 0 0 72
Anime - Raw 1 [POPGO] 機動戦士ガンダム THE ORIGIN 第1-6話 Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin OVA 1-6 1080p BDrip HEVC AAC MKV 14.3 GiB 2019-10-03 01:35 8 2 3386
Anime - Raw 1 [POPGO] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin Advent of the Red Comet 1-13 1080p HEVC 5.2 GiB 2019-09-11 23:14 9 0 2292
Anime - Raw 2 [POPGO&TXXZ] Mobile Suit Gundam Narrative 機動戦士ガンダムNT BDrip 1080p HEVC AACx6 4.7 GiB 2019-08-11 14:36 4 1 5313
Anime - Raw 1 [POPGO&TXXZ] Mobile Suite Gundam Thunderbolt Movie December Sky + Bandit Flower 1080p HEVC+AAC MKV [chs/cht sub] 9.4 GiB 2019-01-18 13:05 12 2 5289