[P-O] Pocket Monsters Best Wishes 25 RAW-TX-HD v2

2011-03-22 12:35 UTC
File size:
641.0 MiB
Info hash:
Sorry for the confusion earlier to the few people that got our first version. I had transposed a number in the script and accidentally chopped out ~40s of content. This is the fixed version. Enjoy. Announcement: We are looking for translators for Pocket Monsters! If you have any interest in Pocket Monsters and know Japanese and English relatively fluently (NO BABELFISHING!), we want you! We ideally would like to continue translating season 1, but if you want to translate other seasons, that's fine too! We still want you! Please stop by our IRC channel, [\#pokemon-originals@irc.hoshinet.org](irc://irc.hoshinet.org/pokemon-originals) and talk to either FMA1394 or usotsuki in the channel. Description for this file: Free for all to use. Go for it. We will not sue or harass you for using our raws as is or re-encoded hardsubbed whatever have you. Please refer to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WTFPL to understand what you can do with this material. Some random screenshots are available here: <http://imgur.com/a/R0MIN> Some specifics that you may or may not care about: Source: TV-Tokyo transport stream (no thanks to #pocket-monsters ^\_^) Destination: CRF17 H264 + AAC Please visit us at [\#pokemon-originals@irc.hoshinet.org](irc://irc.hoshinet.org/pokemon-originals) also available via XDCC. One final note, if you want closed captions for whatever reason, please request them in our channel.

File list

  • [P-O] Pocket Monsters Best Wishes 25 'Hiun Gym battle! Pure hearted Bug Pokemon Battle!' [v2] [RAW-TX-HD] [587F9F39].mkv (641.0 MiB)